Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2003Kellogg School of Management
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KH-05 class of 2002-3
KH-05 Class of 2002-2003. Dame Anson Chan (front row center), flanked by HKUST Dean K.C. Chan and Kellogg School Dean Dipak C. Jain


Sept. 13 marked the much-anticipated graduation day for KH-05. After the April graduation was canceled as a result of SARS, the graduation day was welcomed with much appreciation and a memorable reunion of close friends and colleagues.

Addressing the class during the commencement ceremonies was Steve DeKrey, KC Chan, dean of HKUST School of Business and Management, and Dipak Jain, dean of the Kellogg School of Management. The keynote address was delivered by Dame Anson Chan, former chief secretary for administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, with a message urging students as leaders of our community to remember those less fortunate than themselves and to go about daily activities selflessly and without expectation of reward.

Kellogg professor Ranjay Gulati  
Professor Ranjay Gulati, KH-05 Professor of the Year, with his award  

Kellogg professor Ranjay Gulati was this year’s recipient of the KH-05 Professor of the Year Award. Closing remarks were delivered by Jeffrey Vogt, class representative and nominated student speaker. The Mandarin Chinese translation was delivered by David Qiu, class representative.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University