.jpg) |
Mushtaq (Mush) Merchant EMP-49 exploring
the Incas’ secret
hiking trails in the Andean mountains of Machu Picchu,
Peru |
Georgianna Olivieri EMP-49 (left), and Leanne and Andy
MacKenzie EMP-49 at an EMP-49 picnic |
Robert Direnzo and Stacey Turner, both EMP-49 |
On June 28, EMP-49 celebrated
its first annual picnic. The weather turned out beautiful.
Kids and parents participated in soccer, baseball and water
balloon tossing games. It was a blend of children from few
months old to teenagers. It was nice to see the future Kellogg
MBA children. All in all it was a successful picnic and I
hope more EMP-49 alumni will join in the future.
Nabil Shabshab has started an EMP-49 ethnic lunch club.
He organizes monthly lunches that explore a variety of cuisines
from around the world. The next lunch he is planning features
Lebanese food. All EMP-49 alums are invited to join the club.
We have reserved 55 tickets for Wildcats and Michigan game.
We are looking forward to seeing all of you. Go Wildcats!
Todd Lipschutz was recently promoted to division president
for Pulte Homes in Kansas City. He is very excited with the
recent promotion as there is tremendous opportunity to grow
the business and strengthen our position as the leading home
builder in the Kansas City market. Pulte Homes is an amazing
organization focused on not only growing the business aggressively
but also hiring, training and developing its people with
a great deal of care and resources. The Lipschutz family
is truly enjoying the Kansas City hospitality where it seems
our quality of life has increased dramatically. Hope to make
one of the EMP-49 get-togethers in the near future (Sue R.,
where the heck are you? Still waiting to hear about the follow-up
group meetings).
Bradley Trotter has moved to Milwaukee with GE Medical Group.
George West has moved to Boston with Siemens and enjoying
it immensely. |