Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2003Kellogg School of Management
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Hey, EMP-33: Steve Bricker reports the highlight of his summer was his backpacking trip with his oldest son in Cimarron, N.M. They went to the Philmont Scout Ranch, 138,000 acres in the Rocky Mountains, with a group from his son’s Boy Scout troop. Steve and his son backpacked more than 50 miles in elevations up to 11,000 feet. He said the scenery was very beautiful, with lovely sunrises and sunsets. They saw lots of mule, deer and bear and even encountered a mountain lion as they returned to camp after dark one night. Their trip was cut short due to the passing of Steve’s father.

Karl Saunders will be opening a corporate office for Saunix Management Ltd. in Manhattan beginning in January. Saunix provides management consulting and governance services for leading established and emerging companies. Karl continues to work with Raj Malhotra at Spryance Inc., a global business processing company that he founded in Maynard, Mass. Karl has joined the board of directors of the Madeira School in McLean, Va., and serves on the finance committee.

Rod Foster has returned to Chicago from tropical Florida. He has changed positions within Baxter and is now senior director of manufacturing for new products for the renal division.

From Tim Tonella: Study Group J recently had a reunion, but can’t quite drink like they did eight years ago. Clark Jernigan and his wife are expecting child number three. Clark is now with Austin Ventures, specializing in semiconductors. Kirk Patterson was just named CFO of Cirrus Logic (Cirrus Semiconductor in Austin). Mike Munns is retired, remarried and enjoying life. Marcus Jundt is the same as always — a few million very exciting things underway.

Yours truly, Barry McCarthy, is consulting for a Milwaukee venture capital group revising the strategy and marketing plan for a portfolio company servicing municipalities. I have also accepted a board seat for Polaris and BancAmerica portfolio company in Seattle, specializing in surgical product distribution.

I haven’t heard from the following EMP-33ers in a long time and don’t have current or complete contact information: Bill Seeley, Ken Wells, Kathy Warren, Rick Shields, Jana Reilly, Michael Pitts, Kirk Patterson, Mike Munns, Bob McCullough, Shaj Mathew, David Lindsay, Marcus Jundt, Steve Johnson, Jose Jimenez, Clark Jernigan, Doug Gage, Rick Fantini, Bob Eidus, Debbie Dias, Sean Cummins, Andrew Chon, Jeff Carkuff and Joan Barr.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University