to my classmates. Although this article is for the winter
edition, the writeup and pictures are all about summer.
The absolute highlight occurred on Aug. 16, when our very
own Tim Smithe celebrated his 40th birthday in style. The
excerpt below came directly from the NBC-5 Sports Web site:
Home Town Boy Belts One Out At Wrigley.
Tim sings the National Anthem before a Cubs game at
Wrigley Field. |
Tim Smithe EMP-32 with his family at Wrigley Field |
Tim, with Jorge del Castillo EMP-32, hosting his 40th
birthday celebration at Schubas following a Cubs game |
At Schubas from left: EMP-32ers Jamie
Tim Angst and Carol Karney |
Jagdish Singh EMP-32 in the North Island of New Zealand |
Smithe to Sing National Anthem at Wrigley Field"
A native
son made good will be in the spotlight at Wrigley Field
on Saturday. Tim Smithe, of Walter E. Smithe Furniture,
will celebrate his 40th birthday in style by singing
national anthem at Saturday’s Cubs game when the Northsiders
host the Los Angeles Dodgers... A sports enthusiast, Smithe
is a triathlete and marathoner, who loves to sing and race
cars... and has worked at everything from selling ice cream
to stock boy to deliveryman to furniture executive.
A music
lover, Smithe also had a stint as a radio disk jockey...
he also sang lead vocals for a few rock banks, worked as
a deejay in a dance club and is currently involved in burning
his favorite 2,000 songs onto CD... Smithe and his wife,
Nancy, are the parents of four sons: Tim, Cameron, Reid
and Jack. They live in Winnetka.”
those of you lucky enough to see the game in person, Tim
did an amazing job and really got the crowd behind him.
What a sight! After the game, he hosted a party at Schubas,
where quite a few EMPers showed up to wish him well. Tim,
we all had a blast. You will always go down as the best
I have ever known.
I received
another update from Phil Barnett. That guy gets the award
for the most relocations! On his way back to Connecticut
with GE, he had a change in plans and ended up accepting
a position with Exelon Corp., which kept him and the family
in the Philadelphia area. His new position is vice president
of finance for Exelon Generation. Exelon Generation comprises
three business units, Exelon Nuclear, Exelon Power and
Power Team, which are responsible for producing and marketing
electricity. He is very excited about the job, and Colleen
and the kids are very excited to be staying in Wayne.
Goharderahkshan writes to let me know he is now with Sears
as director, IT quality. He is enjoying the challenge
of his new position, which changes daily. His daughter,
Sharzi, just turned 8. She is involved in soccer and swimming.
son, Kavi, 12, is in 7th grade and is also doing extremely
well at swimming and is a fanatic for extreme skateboarding.
I received
a very brief note from Jagdish Singh to let me know that
he is alive and well and is based in Australia
as the managing director of Motorola’s Australia software
center. He sent a picture from a recent visit to the North
Island of New Zealand, which makes my summer trip to the
Wisconsin Dells look pretty juvenile.
finally, I received a short note from Hugh Hamill. He and
a partner have started a new private jewelry company
called Nuage Jewelers Ltd. Nuage features jewelry professionals
with 25 years of wholesale and retail jewelry experience;
a huge selection of diamonds, gemstones and pearls; and
services including free repairs, appraisals, insurance
and delivery to your home or office. With the holidays
fast approaching, Hugh would love to offer his fellow classmates
a great EMP discount.
looking for someone to host an EMP holiday gathering. Be
good and continue to write. My email remains: ckarney@covad.com. |