Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2003Kellogg School of Management
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Hello, everyone! I hope you had a fantastic summer and that the fall season got off to a good start for you. We’ve got some great news from a few of our fellow classmates.

Jeff Miller has entered the motorsports industry. He and his partners recently acquired DGY Motorsports in Downers Grove, Ill. DGY is a premiere dealer of Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Bombardier and Polaris motorcycles, jet skis, ATVs, snowmobiles and related parts, accessories and service. As Jeff states, “To put it simply, we sell fun.” Best of luck to Jeff in his new role!
Brenda Seliga is on the move again. She recently accepted the position of senior vice president, retirement services line of business manager, for SunTrust Bank in Atlanta. In her new role she is responsible for all the retirement services that SunTrust provides to corporations and institutions. Brenda and her staff of 200 administer all types of corporate and institutional retirement plans for more than 2,500 clients located primarily throughout the Southeast.

As for me, I am ecstatic to announce the birth of my second son, Luke Patrick Marren. Luke, a hefty 9-pound, 6-ounce bundle of joy with a great smile, made his appearance on June 15. As you can imagine, his arrival on Father’s Day made my husband, Dave, very happy as well. Our 4-year-old son, Ian, who had insisted throughout my pregnancy that we were “getting a baby sister named Rosie,” is just as happy to have a new baby brother in tow.

Now, unless my memory is really failing me, I seem to remember there were a whole lot of people in our class. We’ve only heard from a small handful of you to date. Where are the rest of you, and what have you been up to? Please send me a quick email (or give me a call) and let us all know what’s been going on in your lives. If I don’t hear from you soon, I’ll resort to making things up about you and reporting them here..

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University