Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2003Kellogg School of Management
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Sue Marceau sends her best from Prescott, Ariz., where she is operations manager for a complex of 34 executive office suites and a special projects manager for a home construction firm. After the collapse of the telecom sector, Sue targeted construction and real estate for her next move and packed up for the sun. She recently passed the Arizona real estate exam.

Metz Family  
Terrence Metz EMP-28 with wife LoriJo, son Joshua, 14, and daughter Georgia on her 12th birthday  

Terrence Metz and his wife, LoriJo, their son Joshua, 14, and daughter Georgia were caught celebrating Georgia’s 12th birthday at tea at the Empress Hotel in Victoria, B.C. Aside from celebrating, he has been working on a substantial project for 3M to deploy an idea management system using the Six Sigma process.

John Turner reports that he has been making himself available as a management consultant and contract manager since mid-2001. He writes from Boulder that he has been helping startups as diverse as two medical products companies and a weather forecasting service. In addition, John remarried in 2001 after the death of his first wife. John says, “my new ‘wonder wife’ is a child psychiatrist, so when I mess up she asks me about my childhood! Hard to duck that.”

I appreciate hearing from you EMP-28ers. Please note my new phone number and home email address..

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University