Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2003Kellogg School of Management
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Ann Marie Robitaille is thoroughly enjoying life with a very flexible job at Hewlett Packard in Vancouver, Wash. She has been breeding and raising Morgan show horses for the last 12 years. She really enjoys raising the babies and watching them perform in the ring. She says she has the best of many worlds.

Rubén Montefalcone EMP-19  
Rubén Montefalcone EMP-19 competing in the mountain bike race in Tucumán, Argentina  

Rubén Montefalcone is living in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with four young adults. Maria Eugenia, 21, is studying communications at St. Andrews University and next semester will complete a student interchange at the University of Maryland. Facundo Nicolás, 19, is studying drama at the University of El Salvador. María Belén, 17, is graduating from high school, and María Florencia, 12, is in her last year of primary school. She became the only “baby” at home. Rubén is working with a boutique consultancy in finance and marketing and in his leisure time enjoys adventure sports. He recently participated in a famous tetrathlon in Patagonia, a competition that involves skiing, mountain biking, kayaking and running in the Andes Mountains, and in the most challenging mountain bike race in the wild forests of Tucumán, Argentina.

A note to EMP-19: Please write or call me so that I can include your news in the next publication.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University