Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2003Kellogg School of Management
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After 10 months with the Spiegel Group (Eddie Bauer, Spiegel, Newport News), Raphael Savalle was promoted to the position of director of internal project consulting, reporting to the COO.

Loyd Tarver Henderson and wife Kelly Gee welcomed twin girls, Tai Olivia and Sydney Natalia, on Aug. 4. They live in New York City.

International meeting of alums in Santiago  
From left: Miguel Devoto ‘01 Cristián Letelier ’02, Juan Carlos Gay ’02 and Cesar Andrade ‘01 at an international meeting of alums in Santiago  
Alvaro Belevan with daughters  
Alvaro Belevan ’02 with daughters Mathilde and Abigail Madeleine  
Mitch Hu and new bride  
Mitch Hu ’02 and Chris Zhang  
Alums in Tokyo  
Jeff Bougher ’02 (center) visiting Seiichi Goto ’02 (left) and Hiro Ishizaki ’02 on his trip to Tokyo  

On Aug. 31, Dan Gingiss and Jodi Matthes ’03 were married in Baileys Harbor, Wis., at the home of Jodi’s parents, right on Lake Michigan. Dan was Jodi’s section leader (Go, Highlanders!) The officiant was Rabbi Samuel Gordon ’85. Other Kelloggians in attendance included Becky Evans Grimm, Stephanie Freeth, Tim Freeth ’01, Joe Dziedzic, Stephanie Levine, Ryan Fong ’01, Chris Nolte ’03, Deniz Cultu ’03, Margarita Cultu ’03, Kelly Huntington (Hetherington) ’03, Josh Holmstrom, Tindley Whipple Gilbert ’03 and Amy Ravi ’97. Joe, Becky and husband Brian, Chris and Tindley sang an a cappella version of “With This Ring” by The Platters during the ceremony. Joe was a groomsman, Amy was a bridesmaid, and Kelly, Stephanie and Tim were readers.

Carter Burton wrote recently with good news. He and wife Sarah had their second son, Taylor, born on June 24. Their first son, Isaac, turned 2 on June 29. Sarah is the customer service quality leader for Home Depot, and Carter is in corporate lending for GE Commercial Finance in Atlanta.

Abigail Madeleine was born on May 30 to Alvaro Belevan and wife Anne-Laure. He writes: “She’s a beautiful, healthy little girl who weighed 6 pounds, 3 ounces, and measured 19.5 inches at birth. Mathilde is absolutely thrilled to have a little sister to torture as she pleases! As I’m the only recent Kellogg graduate in the Reno/Tahoe area, we expect continued visits from Kellogg family members.”

Jim Nollsch got married on June 21 in Chicago at the Peninsula on Michigan Avenue. He and wife Laura honeymooned in St. Barts, and are now living in a home they bought in March in central Denver. Quite a few ’02 Kelloggians attended the wedding: Ian Milward (usher), Brian Buenneke, Mary and Tim Sznewajs, Anuju and Parag Gupta, Aaron Levine and Annie Purkey, Jon Resnick, Dan Rosenbloom and Ty Smith.
Mitch Hu married Chris Zhang (University of Michigan MBA, Class of 2001) on Aug. 30.

Katie Arnold writes that she married Evan Norton and promises to send more news and a Kellogg group photo for the next issue.

Barbara Liss recently attended the wedding of Greg Hughes and Katie Butler, Barbara’s good friend. She writes that several alums made the trek up north to beautiful Banff, Canada. Being in Canada, Amol Dixit appropriately serenaded the happy couple with Bryan Adams’ “Summer of ’69” and followed it later in the night with a crowd-pleasing Bon Jovi favorite. Other alums in attendance include Jeff Kelly, Robert Zeunik, Mark Christenson, Dan Levine and Ross Evans. Barbara is actually responsible for the entire event, since she spied Greg in one of her classes and realized he’d be a perfect match for her longtime friend. A setup followed, and you now know the rest of the story.

Jim Nollsch ’02 and bride Laura
Jim Nollsch ’02 and bride Laura with fellow Kelloggians

On Aug. 18 in beautiful Hanalai Bay, Kauai, Andrew McCollum married Kimberly Bartlett. It was a beautiful ceremony that concluded with a rainbow, which the newlyweds assumed was a good omen.

Megan Lewis writes that Amy Ballew got married in Kansas City on Aug. 31 to a lovely fellow named Rob Kowal. Kellogg alums in attendance included Teresa Lee, Amanda Hansen and husband Mike, Geoffrey Lasry, Mark Christiansen and wife Amy and Jake Remley. Megan is the director of fund-raising for a nonprofit organization and is enjoying life in Chicago.
Deborah O’Fallon writes that she recently left her job at Eli Lilly in Indianapolis for a job at American Express in the Big Apple. She sends a hello to all the other NYC alums.

Kathleen O’Connell is enjoying life in the Bay Area. She writes: “Last week I started working for Madison Park Financial Corp., a local developer in Oakland. We currently manage Madison Park REIT, which consists of eight properties (mainly multi-family) in the Bay Area and are in the process of raising and launching a new fund.” Kathleen and husband Mike just bought a house in Walnut Creek, Calif.

This November Jim Lutz is officially launching his new travel company, Vaya Adventures, focusing on destinations in Peru (including Machu Picchu and the Amazon), Ecuador/Galapagos, Chile/Patagonia, Costa Rica and Belize. The trips feature hiking, rafting, sea kayaking, biking and horseback riding, and accommodations at the best local lodges and inns. The trips can also be customized to fit varying interests and ability levels.You can check out the company Web site at

Katherine Gregory writes with great news from the South: “I am excited to share that I have accepted a new position with Williams-Sonoma. I have left Lucent and the lovely state of New Jersey for the land of Elvis, BBQ and blues — Memphis, Tenn. I started work on May 28, and on the same day made an offer on a house. As for the job, I am back to my roots: distribution, warehousing and transportation. Hopefully, this is the first step on my way to corporate headquarters in San Francisco! Please drop me an email if you are ever in the mid-South.

“I thought you all (oops, y’all) might enjoy my very first incident with Southern hospitality. A few months ago I flew down to Memphis for a house-hunting trip. As I pulled into the metered parking lot for the local chamber of commerce, an older gentleman started yelling at me. I couldn’t understand what he was saying at first (my Southernese has started to come back to me since then). I assumed I was parking illegally or in his spot or who-knows-what bad thing based on his yelling. As he approached, I understood he was insisting quite emphatically, ‘Young lady, don’t you put your money in that there meter.’ I had no idea what I was doing wrong. As he got closer he explained: He still had money left on his meter and wanted me to wait until he pulled out so I could take his spot. (A quarter will cover you for an hour in Memphis). Welcome to the South!”

Chris Jones writes that he and wife Amanda have recently moved: “We’re still in Santa Monica, and if you’re coming through the L.A. area, please remember to give us a call.” You can find them at 1338 19th St., Apt. A, Santa Monica, CA 90404.

Raphael Savelle and family had a lot going on this summer. “We bought our house in July and moved from Lincoln Park to Hinsdale, a suburb west of Chicago. This has been an interesting experience in which negotiation and finance classes were put to good use! Not even settled, we went on vacation in August to California and met with classmates Alvaro Belevan and Anne-Laure and with Ricardo Angel and Maria. Louis will turn 2 in November and is already enjoying the yard and his friends on the block. He speaks a bit of French and a lot of English. Isabelle moved her home-office headquarters and enjoys the short drive to daycare and to O’Hare. Finally, we have a guest room now waiting for Kellogg visitors. Work has been very exciting and challenging. I am still working with the Spiegel Group (parent company of Eddie Bauer and Spiegel). I took the lead of the department I joined last year and was promoted to director in June. Our weekends are now filled with painting and home improvement projects, but that’s all fun.”

Jeff Bougher writes that in May he traveled to Tokyo on business. While there, he visited with Seiichi Goto and Hiro Ishizaki. “Seiichi took me to Kamakura to see the Big Buddha and Tsuruoka shrine,” he says, “then we met Hiro in Shibuya (a ward in Tokyo). They took me to one of the noodle places they always went to in college, then out for a really nice dinner on the Ginza Strip. We enjoyed catching up and drinking rice wine. On the train ride back to the hotel, I got to experience a Tokyo earthquake with Hiro - just a small tremor, but it made sleeping in the high-rise hotel in Yokohama a bit unnerving.”

Neal Freeland writes about life in Seattle: “I made the ‘Face Value’ section of The Economist! This is kind of like getting your picture in the WSJ. The article was on Dean Jain of course, but you can clearly see me in the photo looking up at him in the Atrium. I managed this feat before I was 40 years old. Pretty cool! Otherwise, all’s well in Seattle at Microsoft. MSN has great people. I work reasonable hours and rarely travel.”

MMM Reunion
Reunion: Jam Ramsinghani ’02, Nitin Goel ’02, Clinton Kent ’03, Jag Reddy ’02, Hiren Thakar ’02, Deepa Thakar, Amar Shah ’02, Chat Rivera ’02, Annie Jerome, Gavin Jerome ’02, Jen Edstrom, Matt Edstrom ’02

A group of MMMs had a mini-reunion at Coach’s in early September. Attendees included Hiren Thakar, Amar Shah, Chat Rivera, Astrid Marechal, Dave Wolbert, Johanne Wong and Rich Saad.

Cristián Letelier writes about a recent international meeting of alums in Santiago. Present were Miguel Devoto ’01, Juan Carlos Gay and Cesar Andrade ’01. With a crew like that, need we ask if they had a good time?

Brooke Brandes has been enjoying NYC: “Some of the Kellogg Girls in New York have been reminiscing over dinners once a month. It has been a fun and diverse group. Other ‘members’ are Adriana McGrath, Sabrina Ayala, Irene Tarkov, Catherine Vaughn, Johnette Kao, Paola Alvarez, Nancy Hoch and Angela Teng.”

Ashley Stubbins writes: “Ed and I love Atlanta! We’ve actually had several visits from Kellogg friends, including Erin and Chip Walz, Dani ’85 and Catherine Barron, Linsey Simpson, Amanda Hansen and Marcus Wunderlich. We have a Kellogg group that gets together on occasion. Mary Anne McConnel and Pablo Altman recently relocated to Atlanta (both still work for Eli Lilly). Pablo, his wife Patricia, and daughter Julietta live around the corner from Ed and me. Mary Anne, Ed, Tina and Efrain Rosario, and I recently celebrated Eric Autio’s 30th birthday.”

Carson Brown is still working on his golf game, but has knocked 20 strokes off my handicap this summer. He is a marketing services manager at HB Fuller.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University