Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2003Kellogg School of Management
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Julie Cheng '01 wedding
Several Kellogg friends helped Julie Cheng ’01 celebrate her marriage to Clement Chang in August in Piedmont, Calif.


Three years ago, as I finished my first quarter at Kellogg, I, along with 52 million others, watched the always-scheming and sometimes-naked Richard Hatch win the first “Survivor.” For those of you who didn’t know, there is a Kelloggian among the current castaways in the Pearl Islands. Unfortunately, the sole survivor hopeful is not part of our class. So instead of guessing how long our fellow alum will last (I’ll leave that to his class rep), we in the Class of 2001 can go back to guessing how long we’ll have our own “tribal responsibilities.” And in the end, we’ve still had plenty of people from our own class out forming alliances, tying knots, putting out fires and building shelters.
After a three-year absence, Damian Yu has happily returned to Canada. Before starting work as senior manager of finance and compensation at TD Securities, Damian had the trip of a lifetime traveling around New Zealand, Australia, Japan and Scandinavia. One of the best parts of his round-the-world adventure was catching up with many Kellogg friends along the way, including Martin Danoesastro, Jim Argalas, Lindsey Tyler, Kashif Siddiqui, Robert Gotto, Adam Illfelder and Chris Hsu. Though sad to be leaving his friends in the New York area, most notably his long-lost roommate, Bendee Anzures, Damian couldn’t be happier about being back in Toronto, where he is part of a proud and growing contingent of Kelloggians. He can reached by email at

alumni and their children  
Annie and Howard Green ’01, with twin daughters Teagan and Brooke  
Gustavo Pesquin ’01 with his daughter, Nicole  
alumni and their children  
David Guilabert ’01 with his wife, Carolina, and daughter, Monica  
alumni and their children  
Mike Skurka ’01 with newborn son, Grant  
alumni and their children  
Jarrod Schlesinger ’01, his wife, Allyson, and their daughter, Amanda  

Annie and Howard Green welcomed identical twin girls, Teagan Grace and Brooke Ryden, on April 28. After a few bleary-eyed nights of not knowing which baby they were feeding, they now keep nail polish on Brooke’s big toes. So far, so good.

David Guilabert and his wife, Carolina, celebrated the birth of their daughter, Monica, who was born in April.

Congratulations to Nicholas Harvey and his wife, Diane, on the birth of their son, Andrew, on July 30. The Harvey family is living in Brussels, where Nicholas is still working for McKinsey.

Alexis (Rozman) Pesquin and Gustavo Pesquin welcomed their first child, Nicole Luisa Pesquin, on Aug. 26 in New York City, where they currently reside.

Allyson and Jarrod Schlesinger are the proud parents of Amanda Lauren, born on May 25. Mother and child are doing very well, and dad is hooked on Baby Einstein DVDs.

Mike Skurka and his wife are proud parents of a son, Grant, born on June 26. Now a few months old, he is doing great and is in the 96th percentile for height, so he’ll likely be a tall one like his daddy. Mike is still with CSFB in Chicago and “hangin’ in there.”

Julie Cheng celebrated her marriage to Clement Chang on Aug. 23 in Piedmont, Calif. There were clear skies and plenty of Kellogg classmates from the Bay Area, New York, Chicago and Atlanta on hand to witness the happy occasion. Kellogg alums in attendance included Zeene Chang, Joanne Wong, Dave Wolbert ‘02, Marisa O’Connor, Marie-France Nuyen, Doug Greer, Julie Oh, Priti Patel, Pierre LeComte, James Kim, Debbie Curtis, Jen Pack, Jen Hsu, Mike McLaughlin, Brad Turner and Mike Chang. Julie and Clement are currently residing in New York.

Clay McDaniel and Mandy Levenberg were married July 19 in the lovely rose gardens in Seattle, Wash. The three-day celebration included kayaking, cocktails, toasts (Tyler Vaughey even composed and sang an original song) and the wedding ceremony on Saturday evening. There were lots of Kellogg alums at the affair to cheer on this Kellogg-born love affair. “Best women” included Monisha Kaplan Lozier and Lucy Carruthers. Best men included Patrick Cunningham, Ben Straley and Tyler Vaughey. Other Kellogg friends surrounding them for this milestone were Teaque Lenahan and his fiancée, Amy Stroud, Stephen Moon, Jessica and Brett O’Brien, David Jennings, Molly and Rob Bishop, Chris Lozier, Tammy and Todd Wincup, Lynn Miller ’00, Erin Kenny ’00 and Jack Bernstein. Everyone had a ball!

Now Mandy and Clay are off to see the world. They quit their jobs right before the wedding and spent August in Zambia and Namibia to do community service working with Africare, the same organization they worked with during Kellogg Corps in Zimbabwe in the summer of 2001. Then they were off to explore more of Africa and Nepal, Tibet and Southeast Asia. They plan to return to Seattle to resume their lives in the U.S. in early 2004.

Alum Andrew Shapiro wedding  
Kelloggians at Andrew Shapiro’s wedding. Kneeling: Robert McClung ’01, Robert Leonard ’01, Gurmeet Ahluwalia ’01. Standing: Naomi Leonard ’01, Heather Hammond ’01, Robert Barry ’01, Bridget Cooley ’01, Andrew Shapiro ’01, Pat Setji and Gwendolen Jones  

Andrew Shapiro married Pat Setji on July 5 in a beautiful ceremony in Raleigh-Durham, N.C., on the Duke University campus. Gurmeet Ahluwalia recounted the weekend: “The ceremony took place outside in front of a pond in the gardens, and the weather was perfect. Pat, his beautiful bride, looked more radiant than ever. Pat’s identical twin, Pam, the maid of honor, was dressed in black, and from now on will be known as ‘Evil Pat.’ There was a very strong Kellogg contingent there. Gwen Jones, Bridget Cooley, Heather Hammond, Rob McClung, Rob Barry, Rob Leonard and Rob’s wife, Naomi, all flew in for it. I even had the honor of playing a part in the ceremony: I was asked to sign the Ketubah, the Jewish marriage contract.

“The ceremony was very touching, melding Buddhist and Jewish traditions. We had a great time, dancing to the band’s funky renditions of everything from ‘Love Shack’ to Andy’s favorite song, ‘This is How We Do It,’ by Montel Jordan. We were more than a bit disheveled by the end of the night, but of course it wasn’t about us. Andy’s summation of the event was, ‘It was the best day of my life – period.’”

Elly Andriopoulou and her husband, George, recently moved back home to Athens after spending four years in the U.S. George has taken a position as the director of operations at Goody’s, the largest fast-food chain in Greece, and Elly has just started her job search.Their new apartment is at 21 Gravias St., GR 15342 Aghia Paraskevi, Greece. Elly writes, “Email us if your travels bring you this way; we’d love to show you around!”

Simon Breuer was recently promoted to manager at Deloitte Consulting in Chicago in the financial services strategy practice.

Alums in the Dominican Republic
Jorge Aguayo ’01 and Kellogg friends gather in the Dominican Republic for a yearly reunion.

John Lee-Tin Jr. recently moved from an internal strategy group at JPMorgan into investment banking advisory to governments. He writes, “While I won’t be attempting to merge France and Germany (sacrilege!) or IPO Peru, I might be able to get a grand tour of an Iraqi palace.”

Alum in JP Morgan Annual Report  
Serge Tedjong ’01 appears on the cover of the JPMorgan Annual Report.  
Alums celebrating a birthday  
Scott Leonard ’01 (center) celebrating his 30th birthday in Dallas with Kellogg friends Michael Yosowitz ’01 (left) and Bob Kurinsky ’01.  
Alums in Italy  
Luca Cravero ’01 and his girlfriend share a vacation with Hagai Barlev ’01 in Italy.  
Alums travelling the world  
In Torino, Italy, Luca Cravero ’01 waves goodbye to Lindsey Tyler ’01, who had flown in from Sydney.  
Alums in Peru  
Piedad Cuevas, Vinicia Urdaneta and Maricarmen Torres (all ’01) enjoy the beach in Peru with Maricarmen’s husband and a friend.  

Andrew Malkin writes: “Ellery (Malkin) ’02 is plugging away marketing Kool-Aid at Kraft, and I hope to transition into the adult beverages business once and for all. I was the recent victim of a downsizing at AOL Time Warner. May I have gainful employment by the time Kellogg alums read this.”

Jeff Shi is on an assignment in China to develop a 1,200-unit high-end residential property for Hines, a Houston-based developer. The project totals 2.5 million square feet and sells for US $130 per square foot, on par with the prices of most suburban single-family houses in the Chicago area.

Ethan Stambler writes: “After two years at McKinsey, I recently took a new position at the Citigroup Private Bank in New York, where I’m a product manager for alternative investments. Hope everyone else is doing well.”
Serge Tedjong has left some broken hearts in London and moved his game to NYC. Professionally, he is getting noticed at JPMorgan, quite literally, by being selected to appear on the cover of the JPMorgan Annual Report.

Jen Zierden has moved on to another work opportunity with Deloitte Consulting in its people/organization performance group. She writes: “As some of you may know, Deloitte Consulting is reintegrating with Deloitte & Touche to become one company. The DC/OP group is merging with D&T’s human capital advisory services group, which does really great work in this area as well, so I am excited about the opportunities ahead.”

Luca Cravero hosted a three-continent eunion of Kellogg friends in Italy when Lindsey Tyler flew in from Sydney and Hagai Barlev flew in from NYC in early August. Lindsey was working on a BCG project in Milan and took advantage of the opportunity to visit Luca and Hagai. They had dinner in a beautiful restaurant in Torino, then Hagai and Luca went sailing in Corsica and Sardinia the following day. Luca is still working in his family biz and having a lot of fun. He writes, “It is a great experience to have the chance to make things happen, although I get extremely involved with whatever happens in the company.”

Nick Cullen, “most desirable man at Kellogg,” was inadvertently omitted from last issue’s Class Notes section in the Moss-Ferris-Lenahan bachelor party trip to Vegas. Teaque regrets the error.

Erich Kirr and Beata Drizin ’02 were married Sept. 6 in the ballroom of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Classmates in attendance included MMMers Mike Lin, Matthew Dober and Sergei Brussovansky, as well as several of Beata’s friends from the class of ’02. A fabulous time was had by all. Congratulations, E & B!

The tribe has spoken…

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University