Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2003Kellogg School of Management
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Bride Karina Rufino '00 with new husband
Bride Karina Rufino '00, with her arm around her husband, Harco van den Oever, gets a boost from guests who traveled from points around the world to attend their wedding in Aug. 2002 at Tylney Hall, a Jane Austen-style manor in Hampshire, England. Karina, a London-based management consultant, and Harco, Christie's business manager, treated guests to golf, horseback riding, a spa and mountain biking, as well as dinner at two authentic pubs to sample fish 'n' chips and ale.


Ari Sherwood’s second daughter, Elliana Noa, was born July 28. He, wife Michal, and Ellie’s big sister, Maya, are doing well and enjoying life in Villanova, Pa.

Tak Imada and baby  
Tak Imada ’00 asleep with daughter Emari  

Tak Imada writes: “On June 3, my wife, Hiroko, gave birth to a daughter, Emari, whose name uses a Chinese character meaning ‘smile.’ We hope that she will smile a lot in her life. She weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 19 inches long.

“I’ve been a father for three months now (hard to believe, I know), and everyday has been just great. She’s so cute, and both my wife and I just love her and get psyched with every single move Emari makes. Life is good here!”

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University