Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2003Kellogg School of Management
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Momints, the liquid-filled breath mints produced by Anthony Shurman’s company, Yosha Enterprises, are now being sold at 7-Eleven. Anthony asks classmates to pick up a pack next time they find themselves at the convenience store. He writes: “These are exciting times for our fledgling breath mint company. We were rated last week as THE most effective breath mint by the New York Post, beating out huge competitors Altoids (both tins and strips), Certs and Listerine PocketPaks.”

Kathy Preble just wrote in with this exciting news: “Just wanted to share the exciting news that my husband, Al, and I have welcomed our son, Henry David Bayert, to the world. He was born Sept. 15, weighing 7 pounds, 15 ounces, and measuring 20.5 inches long. He’s beautiful, but then we’re biased. We’re all healthy and adjusting to this new life together.

“ Besides the big news, I’ve also made other changes this year. I finally decided to leave consulting and PwC/IBM, and made the leap in the spring. I’ve started doing professional coaching (mostly executive and career). I got a slow start due to the pending arrival of our child, but after my maternity leave I will be joining a small coaching firm here in Chicago, Jody Michael & Associates, and will be gearing up later this year. My email address, as always, is:, which is forwarded to”

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University