Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2003Kellogg School of Management
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Not much to update you on regarding our awesome class of ’88. Just took my first trip to Asia since March, and in the interim selfishly spent a lot of time with my family when I was not spending a lot of time with my work. Did not spend time with you, thought about you, you great class you. Yes, sucking up so you’ll write me.

In August we went camping in the wild north (well, actually 45 minutes north of Milwaukee) with Marty Malecki and family. Rough, really rough . . . the extension cord we brought was just long enough to reach the picnic table so the coffeemaker did not have to sit on the ground. Actually, everything else was really camping-like. (We have fulfilled this year’s quota of marshmallows.)

In early September I found myself in San Jose briefly and carved out time to visit with Tom Zinsmeister, wife Julie, and energetic and lovely daughters Sarah and Elle. Tom’s basically refurbishing and modernizing his house himself, leveraging those great skills he honed before B-School designing nuclear power plants. He’s got about eight different peppers growing in the garden, some mild, a couple that have an everlasting effect on the evening and then some. Brought some home with me, will see if I can build up a tolerance. Wow. Tom’s still doing controller activities for Cisco in the Valley.

Received a beautiful card announcing the birth of Nicole Ward Underwood, third daughter of Craig and Susan Ward Underwood. Nicole was born June 10. Older sisters are Alexa and Samantha.

Recall last year at this time I had lost 40 pounds, was working out six days a week and competing in my first triathlon. This year I’ve added back 15 of those pounds and am working out three days a week, mostly running, and thinking I’m invincible. Well, did the triathon again, but boy, don’t recall it hurting so much last year! Learned a few things: Lose that weight again and work out more. Nice to be connected with some of you from the reunion. Look forward to connecting with more of you soon.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University