Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2003Kellogg School of Management
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Dear Classmates,

This May marked our 25th year since graduating. The photo in the last issue did not include all of our classmates and spouses who attended, but it gives you a glimpse of some of the people who did. The school, the reunion committee and I want to thank the participants who helped plan it, called for the class gift and attendance, and came to enjoy the camaraderie. We also thank the professors who shared great memories and 24/7 stories with us. We had more than 20 percent participation from our classmates, who contributed to the class gift. That’s quite impressive.

After 25 years it is time for me to hand the mantle of class rep to one of our classmates. Instead of just choosing someone, I would like to hear from anyone who would be interested in filling this role. It has been a privilege to write two to three columns each year and stay in touch with so many of you. I still hope to keep in contact, but want to have someone else serve in this capacity. Receiving notes and photos from many of you has been a joy. Who knows — I may want the mantle back at our 50th reunion!

One of those notes comes from Daryl M. Lee, who says: “After a 23-year career in marketing at AT&T and Lucent Technologies, I have taken a new job as vice president of business development for the National Institute of Urban Entrepreneurship, an organization that helps entry-level entrepreneurs in urban areas grow their businesses.”

Blythe J. McGarvie

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University