Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2002Kellogg School of Management
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I met with John Dierkes in Chicago recently at a demonstration of IMAX’s new DMR technology that should open up a whole new market for IMAX globally. The “Digital reMastering Release” technology allows them to digitally improve the resolution of classic 35 mm feature-length films and show them on the giant IMAX screen with phenomenal clarity and sound. It will allow some classics and new blockbuster Hollywood films to play on the large IMAX screens.

The first feature to be “repurposed” will be Apollo 13, which opened Sept. 20 in select IMAX theaters in the United States, followed Nov. 1 by Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones.

John is looking for promotional partners to sponsor these repurposed and new documentary films. Contact him at 410.433.6695 or at jdierkes@ John lives in Baltimore with his wife, Ellen. He just sent his eldest daughter to college and has a younger daughter who is a freshman in high school. He reports hearing recently from the following classmates:

Ros Sobel Schatman is in Harrisburg, Pa., raising her son, Josh, with husband, Michael. They are avid cyclists and travelers. Loc Nguyen and his wife, Hong, live in London not far from their son, Liam, who is in boarding school there. Loc is managing a hedge fund investing in European equities. Herve’ Perouse and his wife, Radka, are raising their young son, Ivan Henri, part time in Lyon, France, and Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Due to Herve’s arthritic back he has retired early. John and his wife hope to visit Herve’ and Radka soon. Dan Boote and his wife, Mary, live in northern Chicago. They are busy looking for colleges for their eldest son. Dan is doing financial consulting with small businesses.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University