Kellogg World Alumni Magazine


Alumni Club of the Philippines

Submitted by Dennis Valdes ’90: The Northwestern University Alumni Association of the Philippines co-sponsored a talk by Silicon Valley guru Dado Banatao on June 15 at the Manila Polo Club, Philippines. Some of the Kellogg attendees included Dennis Valdes ’90, who was a panelist at the event, and Jose Limjap ’83, Jay Fonacier ’04, Glenn San Luis ’92, NU club president A.P. Bartolome ’99 and Victor Limlingan ’09.


The Northwestern University Alumni Association of the Philippines co-sponsored a talk by Silicon Valley guru Dado Banatao (middle) on June 15 at the Manila Polo Club, Philippines. Flanking the renowned guest speaker are, from left:, Joel Limjap ’83, Jay Fonacier ’04, Glenn San Luis ’92, NU club president A.P. Bartolome ’99, Franz Bonoan of MIT, Victor Limlingan ’09 and Dennis Valdes ’90, who was a panelist at the event.