Kellogg World Alumni Magazine


Teresa Matsui Sanders is working as CFO of Inc. (soon to be re-organized and renamed). She writes: “We’re a digital publisher and baking products manufacturer. My responsibilities are to monetize our existing content, including re-issuing a cookbook, and to oversee the manufacture and go-to-market strategy for a line of dry mixes and frozen gluten-free products. I also test recipes for the site. I’ve been known to rush home from the office and whip up a test batch of muffins in my suit and heels. People now love business meetings with me because I can be counted on to show up with homemade baked goods.”

Teresa also was named to the board of directors at Northern Clay Center (an arts organization) and the advisory board of Shaw-Lundquist Associates Inc., the nation’s largest Asian-owned contracting company. If anyone would like to work with an experienced and financially-sound minority contractor, please be in touch!

Frank Krause took a position in Washington, D.C., as COO of the American Geophysical Union (, an international society of Earth and space scientists. The whole family (wife Jennifer, four kids and the dogs) moved to D.C. in July. The Krauses will be ready to host all our EMP buddies by a nice, hot, D.C. August!

Martin Melaver’s Melaver McIntosh ( launched EARTH TLC:Total Liability Corporation ( at the University of Monaco in June.

Seaphes Miller’s firm Fusion Integrated Solutions LLC received an award from the forward innovation fund of the Wisconsin governor’s office. The award enables Fusion to rapidly expand its 3D engineering and design services. Phase I of the project has been an overwhelming success, as Fusion has doubled the size of its business to meet increasing customer demand.

Linda Peters was named vice president and head of regulatory affairs, medical products for Baxter Healthcare.

Jan Shumate was named manager of plant engineering at Eastman Chemical Company.