Kellogg World Alumni Magazine


Steve “Love Boy” Sullins made his way to the Motor City. I missed him, but I am happy to report he took my wife to dinner and reportedly caught up and behaved (relatively speaking).

I caught up with Bernie Birt on a phone call to learn that she is liking the challenges and opportunities of working for that “other school.” She asked about us and I updated what I could on the call. All the best to you, Bernie!

This is a bit belated, but I’m just finding out about Bob Muhs’ transition. Bob writes: “Sorry to get back to you so late! I am no longer in MSP. I started working with Pinnacle Airlines in Memphis on Jan. 1, 2010, and moved down there later that year. I’m working as senior vice president of operations at Pinnacle and enjoying the regional airline business.” Thanks Bob! Next time I’m through MEM, I will hunt you down!

Finally, we wish Julie Cisek Jones well as she moves on to the next chapter in her life. Likewise, here’s a hearty EMP-51 “WELCOME BACK” to Erica Kantor in her slightly modified reprise of her role leading all things executive at Kellogg!

By the way, 2012 is a big year for us! Got an idea for our 10-YEAR class reunion? Send it to me at That’s it for now. Keep your news coming!