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Kellogg School bids farewell to Associate Dean Ed Wilson, welcomes new media director

Associate Dean of Alumni Relations Ed Wilson '84, who returned to the Kellogg School in 2008 to help coordinate the school's Centennial festivities, retired June 30.

Ed Wilson  
Photo © Evanston Photographic Studios  

"I look back over the last year and a half with great pride," Wilson says. "I'm surprised we could do so much in a short time. What I appreciate the most is that it has been noticed by alums. We've been inventive and innovative."

Wilson first joined Kellogg in 1972. Over the next three decades he served the school in a number of capacities, including dean of admissions and financial aid, dean of students and director of the Executive MBA program and ultimately associate dean for EMBA programs and student affairs. He retired in 2002.

Wilson stayed no less busy after his return to Kellogg in 2008. Under his leadership, the alumni relations department has increased its staff and strengthened its online presence on social networking channels such as LinkedIn. It also opened Kellogg satellite offices in New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Miami. In addition, Wilson oversaw the launch of an alumni survey and the Kellogg Student Association's creation of the role of alumni relations executive vice president. (For more on Wilson's retirement, please see his letter to alumni on page 50.)

Meanwhile, the Marketing & Communications Department has welcomed Margaret Douglas '95 as director of Web marketing and new media.

In this newly created position, Douglas is responsible for building the Kellogg brand through social media and online marketing channels.

Prior to joining Kellogg, Douglas founded Marketing Crescendo Inc. in 2007. The boutique consultancy focused on e-commerce, social media and brand development. Previously, Douglas spent part of her career at DIGITAS as a senior vice president and marketing director, handling client accounts from Ameriprise Financial, Whirlpool Corp. and Miller Brewing Co. Douglas was also a senior vice president and director of interactive client services for Arc Worldwide/Leo Burnett, where she worked on the accounts of Hewitt, Kraft, Sears and P&G.

Douglas holds a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Wisconsin. At Kellogg, she majored in finance and marketing. 

"Kellogg is committed to taking this type of marketing forward and is serious in its intent to use these channels to grow the school brand," Douglas says. "We look forward to leveraging Web 2.0 and creating opportunities for two-way communications with students, applicants, alumni and other stakeholders."

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