thought I would start this update by revisiting some previous
updates and/or inserting items that I missed in the last edition.
I figure by revising on a six-month period we can approximate
EMP-63's content in the past month. At least that is the hope.
If not we'll try a technique David Summers perfected
in just about every marketing class, known as adjusting the
font and margins.
D (that's D for DOMINANCE, people) members Carolyn Amato,
Jon Pace, Michael Phillips and David Summers enjoyed
our class dinner at Tizzi Melloul back in November.
Ted Winslow EMP-64 and newest grandson, Peter Michael |
February, Gerry Wondrasek sent news of an adventure at a Bears game, where he became a quasi-celebrity,
albeit for a rather specialized audience: Chicagoans who tune
into Channel 5 and who care about the Bears. Anyhoo, the story
goes like this, "As background, I have season tickets
to the Bears. A neighbor (who also has tickets) and I decided
we needed a dedicated tailgating machine for the 2007 season.
We purchased an old ambulance and renovated the inside to
accommodate our purpose. At the final game of the season on
Dec. 30, we were parked in our lot next to the Field Musuem
by 9 a.m. (our usual arrival time). By 10, we had served our
appetizers (prawns wrapped in pancetta, marinated in sambucca)
and I was grilling the main course (flank steak stuffed with
garlic and horseradish). I had invited Joe Mase to attend. I had also given tickets to John
Potter, but he was
late as usual and had not yet arrived. We were visited by
Anna Devlantes and some Channel 5 crew members and appointed
Tailgaters of the game. We conducted a short interview, which
aired on the JumboTron in Soldier Field in the second quarter.
The Bears went on to be victorious that day, we ate well and
Potter eventually showed up."
more grown-up news, Joe Klauser
writes about the new venture that he launched immediately
following graduation (while the rest of us were taking long
leisurely weekend naps). According to Joe: "In the past
year I have fully established two operating companies, Cassandra
Capital Partners (an alternative investment management company
aka hedge fund) and Diermeier Consulting Associates (an issues
and brand management consulting company), both in partnership
with Kellogg Professor Daniel Diermeier. We have 35 on staff
with offices and operations in Newport Beach, Calif., Denver,
Evanston, Washington, D.C., Montreal and the Cayman Islands.
basis of both firms is a technology co-developed by us that
detects and determines issues that may positively or negatively
impact a publicly traded company's ability to execute its
growth strategy. For the hedge fund we can make these determinations
prior to market participants being able to know, digest and
react in sufficient numbers to move the price of a particular
stock. The portfolio returns are astounding with essentially
attributes of zero beta and zero correlation. The technology
on the investment side has a broad range of applications to
most hedge-fund investment strategies, more traditional investments,
I-banking, etc.
the consulting side, we have several engagements with Fortune
100 companies. We are close to signing a JV deal with one
of the most important former corporate executives to become
a free agent since Jack Welsh left GE. Once completed, this
news will have high coverage in the media."
is exceedingly happy in his venture and speaking on behalf
of EMP-64, we hope that happiness leads to an invitation for
the class on a very legitimate business development retreat
perhaps in the Newport Beach or Cayman Islands location.
(aka Paul Fitzpatrick)
recently founded Ephikacy, a niche service provider specializing
in marketing interactions for the pharmaceutical industry.
"We have built our services and solutions from the perspective
of a product marketing team. We look at the various constituents
that a brand team engages with and have developed a wide range
of technology-enabled, innovative services to maximize the
return from each constituent group."
Hyman writes, "I was named director of governmental
affairs and legislative automation for ComEd." Cheryl
asks that folks please stop calling her regarding special
"Kellogg pricing" on their utility bills. She has
never heard of these types of discounts and can't look into
it further.
are going very well for Yolanda Daniel, who was invited
to be the guest speaker at the DePaul University National
Association of Black Accountants (NABA) Banquet on May 9.
Yolanda has yet to report back whether there were lampshades
and table dancing at the event. It is rumored that super friends
Angela Talton and Carolyn Amato were in attendance.
Yolanda, in case you didn't know, recently accepted the position
of vice president, internal audit at W.W. Grainger Inc. Congratulations
and thanks for the update!
Hua writes with very exciting updates: "I had a baby
boy (Andrew Cun) last August. I took a maternity leave after
the birth and recently came back to work. My husband and I
have decided to move the family back to Beijing, and I have
taken a director role in an online advertising division within
Microsoft. Beijing has become such an exciting place. Please
let me know whenever you travel to Beijing/China. I look forward
to seeing you here." Hooray Michelle!
addition to exciting work at Forefront, where he is basically
rejiggering (a technical term) things, David Mohr sends
not only the original picture he submitted to Cristina (who
dropped the ball in not sending it along in time for the last
class update) but also an update of himself with wife Courtney
'02, son Alex, and new baby, Oliver Mohr. Oliver was born
Dec. 26 and shares a birthday with Carolyn Amato.
Winslow has some exciting news. He writes, "I am continuing
with Sg2 (14 months, a long time for many of us). We are having
our annual business and technology forecast (ABTF) for medical
planning on June 11 and our CV membership meeting in Westlake
Village (near L.A.) on June 12. My son Ward in Chicago and
his wife, Tracy (parents of Kate, who was born January 2005,
while we were in school together), made me a grandfather for
a fourth time. Everyone's doing well. Some Fridays I still
miss the Allen Center. However, I do get a charge out of being
able to do things that I couldn't have done in 2004, thanks
to EMP-64. You guys all helped make me better. Thanks."
Ted graciously invites all of EMP-64 to a cookout party in
the backyard this summer, including little ones. If that doesn't
work out, definitely a football game come fall.
Thanks to everyone for the updates and a very special thanks
to Carolyn Amato, our stellar classmate who continues to poke,
prod, and in some cases actually invent news in order to supply
a very disenfranchised (hey, I live in a country called Texas)
Cristina. Thanks so much, Carolyn! |