Karla and Alphonso Cantalapiedra EMP-63 and their baby Marco |
Kevin McShane and Jason Childers, both EMP-63, at Notre Dame |
Pradeep Nair EMP-63 in Paris with his family |
Ann Marie Peluso EMP-63 helps a shop open up. |
Eishin Takahashi and James Park, both EMP-63, in Seoul |
Sasha Vaisblat and Safak Guven, both EMP-63, at Club Med Turkey |
Russell Walker EMP-64, Safak Guven EMP-63 and Bernadette Birt in Turkey |
mid-April Vikas Aditya
was in Chicago and tried to meet Yan Chang for dinner, but Chicago traffic got the better of
him. So they ended up having a "phone date." Gustavo
Coronel immediately called and explained that to catch up with each other on the
phone, it is not actually necessary to fly to the town the
other person is in. That's sort of like yelling into the cell
phone real loud because it's long distance.
Allen is gearing up to move the family from Texas to
Charlotte, N.C., as he will now be taking charge of his company's
wind turbine fleet. This increases the EMP-63 Charlotte contingency
by 50 percent. This is a great opportunity for Jason to move
into wind turbine fleet, which his employer has explained
does not mean he gets a bunch of sailing boats. It's a different
Houston group (Roger Gregory, Sumit Mathur,
Nikolaj Sjoqvist and Jason Allen) got together for dinner
at Jason's house in April. Likely for the last time as the
Allens are leaving for N.C. and Nikolaj is moving to Atlanta.
This was really exciting for Roger, who thought he was now
a finalist on an elimination-style competition EMP-63 Houston
Idol. Russell Hayworth volunteered to serve as a Simon
Cowell. However, it turns out this is not that type of thing.
We have several nominees for the other judges and have decided
not to provide them. A good time was had by all.
Coronel has been appointed to the board of directors
of University of Florida's Leadership Development Institute
(LDI). Gustavo's deep understanding of Latin America and South
Asia will help University of Florida-LDI expand its programs
to these markets. Gustavo still will cheer for the Wildcats
but with an eye on the Gators! This will be a great opportunity
for Gustavo to reject applications for Executive PhDs at the
University of Florida from EMP-63 alumni.
the Kellogg reunion in May, Brian Beeler, Ann Marie
Peluso, Sujit Bakre, Russell Walker (EMP-64)
and wife Anna met for dinner at The Stained Glass in Evanston.
This surprised everyone because Sujit actually showed, which
improved his "committed to showing" batting average
to 15 percent. A good time was had by all and we continue
to be the Reunion masters, even at ones we were not invited
to. We will be crashing Harvard's reunion in three weeks.
Bring your "You're No. 5" pins.
April 19, Jason Childers made the trip to Notre Dame
to watch classmate Kevin McShane relive his undergrad
days at the annual Blue and Gold Spring Football Festival.
Kevin was the star of the annual alumni flag football game
played just before the varsity scrimmage. "Crazy Legs"
McShane demonstrated the glacial speed and the elephantine
leaping ability that made him a valuable cheerleader during
Notre Dame's 1988 National Championship run. Kevin's talent
was so intense, that his hamstring stretched beneath the pull
of his immense talent after only two series. It's just as
well, though. The former NFL players on the field needed their
time to shine. Alas, without McShane on the field to lead
the charge, Kevin's Blue team fell to the Gold in a titan
struggle. In any event, Kevin, Jason and the rest of the McShane
family (Kate, Jack, Mora and Peter) had a wonderful day of
football, tall tales of gridiron glory and reminiscing about
the good ole days at the Allen Center.
Eckenrode's son, Baxter, received his first communion
in May. This is of course great news, but leaves us in a fix
to add humor, since it is Baxter and of course a solemn event.
We would point out that the celebration dinner was fantastic.
Ore Ida French Fries with Bagel Bites, all dripping in ketchup,
was a delight for all. This was followed by TGI Fridays make-in-the-microwave
covered in Jack Daniel's marinades. By the way, we are not
done with this whole Heinz thing yet. Sincere congratulations
to Baxter though!
Brogan will be consulting with the state of Kansas, helping
them award four gaming contracts around the state. In related
news, David Seemater, Rosemary McGillicutty,
Paul Del Gallo and Marc Womack would all like to
announce they have entered into the gaming business in Kansas.
What? Look, you can get all David Messick on us or just let
us make a living. Nobody asked you. Oh all right. Spoil sports.
March Safak Guven, Bernie Birt, Russell Walker
EMP-64 and Kellogg faculty members led the first-ever EMP
GIM trip to Istanbul and Dubai with 18 adventurous students.
While there the group met up with Safak, who made arrangements
for a presentation and meeting with the corporate law firm
and healthcare authorities in Istanbul. This went well and
the students who took part remarked at the "pleased attitude"
displayed by the dignitaries with whom they met. Some surprise
was registered when the law group referred to Safak as "their
best customer" but said none of it was healthcare work.
They mentioned a Louisiana driving license and an impression
that "faster is always better." Some of this may
have been a translation issue, but we don't know for sure.
met Sasha Vaisblat in Andayla, Turkey, vacationing.
This is a real treat as usually folks have to go to Russia
to see Sasha, which three of us have done. This remains the
most important Kellogg EMP-63 connection: No matter where
you go in the world, someone's always going to buy a round.
We hear it was Safak this time. He had a tab.
moved to Las Vegas at the end of April. This would on
the surface appear to be a dangerous move. However, when you
get below the surface it seems like just a genuinely dangerous
idea. The Dallas W called the Vegas W and explained the 2007
Super Bowl, and other related events. Then they called the
Reno 911 sheriff unit and attempts to block were made. In
related news Chris Brogan moved from Vegas a while ago, and
now says he will not be going back without bail money, a fake
ID and an alibi.
Johnson had dinner with Anand Subramanian
in New York City in April while traveling on business. This
is code for "Clem dreamed up an excuse to drink with
Anand and tell the family 'I'm out on business.'" No
golf was played, but golf was dreamed of.
Jude is auditing the Entrepreneurial Finance class with
Paul Del Gallo and Ann Marie Peluso. After class in April,
the trio lingered in the Allen Center. After several bottles
of wine, they proceeded to call and harass classmates late
into the night. Return phone calls to A.M.P. in the days following
were met with surprise as she had no memory of making the
calls in the first place. This included a callback from "liquor
by delivery," "Dancing With The Stars tryout line"
and 45 calls to vote for both Davids on American Idol.
McGullicutty has decided to go into the real estate brokering
business. Rosemary's value-add proposition: price points send
a message! She is going into the Detroit, Southern California
and Miami markets with the play that can't lose: 10 percent
commission and top-quality strategy. This includes taking
only buyers with extra financing available, and for every
dollar they offer below the asking price she counters with
two dollars above. Buyers must bid on all homes "as is"
and can only look at the homes from the curb to reduce cleanup
McShane joined the management team at a new marketing
services provider by the name of Entiera. The company was
founded by the two partners at Accenture who led the firm's
CRM practice. Entiera has built its own marketing application
across campaign management and analytics within an open source
DBM environment. The Software as a Service (SaaS) model offers
marketers a rapid deployment at a lower cost of ownership
which will be disruptive in the market compared to the traditional
mainframe-oriented service bureaus. The company is privately
held, currently hosts up to 100 marketing databases and has
a global reach with a European operation. This was great news
for Kevin, who frequents the International House of Pancakes.
the past few years, Kevin became more interested in online
analytics. The next- generation marketing service providers
who will become category leaders will be the firms who have
deep expertise in the online space and the ability to deliver
real-time content across channels. Kevin is looking forward
to helping the Entiera team exploit this market opportunity.
His role at Entiera as senior vice president is to lead organizational
strategy and resources across the three customer life-cycle
stages: sales, on-boarding and account management.
Nair and family vacationed in Paris, where they visited
Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Luxembourg Garden, Notre Dame
Cathedral, Versailles and lots and lots of museums.
Park and Eishen Takahashi met up in Seoul in late
March. This continues another strong EMP-63 trend: not just
catching up with your classmates, but catching up outside
the United States.
Razmi had his first official party in his Tribeca apartment
in March — Ann Marie Peluso and Abdo Abdo attended.
By party we mean two people were willing to come over if he
had someone clean the place and agreed to not have some supermodel
knock-off around.
also was in Chicago the first two weeks of May for training
with McKinsey. Friday night, Ronnie, Ann Marie Peluso and
Sujit Bakre introduced the McKinsey contingency to Moda
and danced the night away. In an interesting side note we
have word that McKinsey recently doubled its orders for newly
minted University of Chicago and Wharton recruits. They have
dubbed it the Kellogg Dancing Effect.
Van Wees hosted a terrific end-of-season ski weekend get-together
in early April at the Von Trapp Resort in Stowe, Vt. Brian
Tilley and Ken Sandifer met up with Hans to check
out cross-country and downhill skiing, have an ad hoc wine
tasting and sample some freshly made Vermont maple syrup. While they couldn't quite get their heads
around how manufacturing and selling maple syrup is economically
feasible, they enjoyed eating it nonetheless. Ken, who had
never skiied prior to this visit, talked far less smack than
normal for fear of major embarrassment. Tilley, who kept insisting
that he be called Picaboo, was a madly proficient skier. As
expected, Hans was the classy host we all have known him to
be. A terrific weekend for all!
Shinozaki and Brian Beeler met up at Kellogg one
Thursday night to reminisce. They bar-hopped and ended up
at Nevins with EMP-70 "studying" into the wee hours
of the night. That is, until some of the wait staff compared
them to some pictures they had behind the counter with a "do
not serve" label. We're not saying it was them but one
picture was of a bald lawyer looking over the top of his glasses
and muttering "you know I'm the alpha dog here."
Subramanian, Ron Razmi, Russell Hayworth and Abdo Abdo
met out in Chelsea at a rooftop bar to catch up in mid-April.
We have received six, count them six, versions of this event.
Please note only four people attended. The general theme seems
to be we love getting together.
Takahashi is clocking in at 180,000 miles per year traveling
the globe. No matter how far he travels he still cannot escape
James Park! We all thought it was really cool to see Eishin's
technology in use in China. We all kind of skipped the fact
that to have your stuff all over the globe you have to fly
there to sell it.
Chicago EMP-63 supper club resumed their monthly dinners upon
Ann Marie Peluso's return to the Windy City in late March.
The homecoming dinner included Kim Jude, Sujit Bakre and
Greer O'Brian at Mon Ami Gabi in Oakbrook. Greer
was the only one who knew what Mon Ami meant, although Sujit
guessed it was a type of dessert.
to her Chicago return, Ann Marie Peluso took a two-week
vacation to Argentina and Uruguay in February and visited
Patagonia, Punta del Este and Buenos Aires. The consummate
shoe-connoisseur, she was nearly arrested in San Telmo because
they thought she was trying to rob a shoe store. In fact,
she was trying to get the shop owners to re-open during siesta
in her quest to acquire Tango shoes. Despite her best efforts,
she was unsuccessful.
the first six months of head-down-and hard-work at SC Johnson,
there is good news to report: Julian Wiles and family
is adapting to Canadian life. Julian's wife is actively involved
in the American Women's Club in the city where they live (Oakville,
Ontario) and now they have almost forgotten about their former
life in Racine, Wis. The girls are also enjoying their new
Christian school. This is an update so wholesome we can't
spoil it. We would point out that Julian has a friend who
is two years out of Kellogg now.
Dirkes and his wife, Maryfran, caught up with Paul
for lunch in Boston. They were in town for a conference. Paul
offered to take them on "The Departed—Irish Mobs
of Boston Tour." They demurred for personal safety and
instead lunch was had at O Sushi instead. Next time.
Vallupalli has been accepted into the Advanced Management
Development Program in Real Estate at Harvard University's
Graduate School of Design. This is a two-year program with
multiple live-in weeks at Harvard for those who are in the
real estate arena for 15 years or more. This of course adds
to Hari's undergraduate and master's degrees in computer science
and his Kellogg MBA. It will be a critical part of Hari's
ability to execute on his current real estate development
work. Unfortunately for Hari, we are all refusing to help
him as he is now becoming a Harvard man. Like most Harvard
men, Hari didn't notice or care how we feel.
Hayworth has decided that life is too boring to go
slow. He's accepted a position as head of corporate development
in Asia for the newly formed Thomson Reuters. In September
they will move to Hong Kong. Russell is moving next to Dragon
I and Ronnie is hiding in his furniture hoping to move there.
Cantalapiedra's wife, Karla, gave birth to a healthy baby
boy, Marco Alfonso, on April 8. It was a very smooth natural
birth. The baby was born two hours after they arrived at the
hospital and labor took 15 minutes! Both mom and son were
in great health. Marco is a great kid and they are both thrilled.
Alfonso is even more thrilled that Karla no longer wakes him
up for the early morning feedings! Following in daddy's footsteps,
Marco Alfonso attended his first Sunday afternoon South Beach
soiree at three weeks of age! Some say irresponsible, Alfonso
said it had to be done!
Gregory and Paul Del Gallo got together in Boston
for dinner at the Union Oyster House. The Union is the oldest
restaurant in the United States. Roger really enjoyed the
meal, plus it was great for him to remember his favorite restaurant
in Boston. He was there on opening day. |