is now manager, advanced customer solutions engineering, at
John Deere. In this capacity she is in charge of R&D worldwide,
reporting to the vice president of engineering for the construction
and forestry division.
"Inder" Gulati is now global head of finance,
internal controls at Visa.
Melaver and Denis Blackburne have co-authored a
new book along with a number of other colleagues. It's titled
The Green Building Bottom Line and will be published
by McGraw-Hill this fall.
Samson has now launched a new Internet business called
crowdSPRING, an online marketplace for buyers and providers
of creative services. Buyers can post a project (logo, stationery,
Web-site design, photography, etc.) and set the price they
wish to pay. In turn, creatives from across the world will
submit actual work created to the buyer's specifications.
At the end of the project, the buyer chooses the one they
like best. CrowdSPRING provides a powerful set of project
management tools, escrow and payment services and intellectual
property protections (including contracts for both parties).
"We offer buyers a powerful guarantee: receive at least
25 entries to your project or you can walk. No questions asked.
We are privately funded and based in Chicago. We have six
employees and expect to be around ten to12 by the end of Q4.
Take the time to come by and take a look: crowdspring.com."
Marks continues his clinical role at the Medical College
of Wisconsin as an ever-busy interventional cardiologist,
as well as serving as the chief medical officer of Viacor
(viacorinc.com), a heart failure device company. In
his spare time, David is also on the board of a small startup,
INRange (INRangesystems.com), which promises to revolutionize
medication delivery for the disabled and those on complex
medical regimens.