Mike Bileca EMP-54 with son Nathan in January |
Jeanine Niyonzima EMP-54 and Raffi Aroian on their wedding day |
Arun Subramony EMP-54 and the NU Wildcat |
and his wife have been quite busy since we graduated. They
have three boys, Gabriel (3), Benjamin (2) and Nathan, born
January of this year. Mike is still with the same dental practice
management company, Towncare Dental, which has more than doubled
since our time at Kellogg. Mike also founded a consulting
company, Practice Synergistics, that consults with various
large dental groups around the country, which keeps him on
the road a lot. His doors are always open for whoever is passing
through Miami.
Davenport is working as senior vice president for corporate
and business development for a new software company, Twinstrata.
It's a startup company in the Boston area, developing innovative
storage software products tailored for emerging customer ecosystems.
Patrick is also on the business school faculty at Boston College,
teaching classes in entrepreneurship (of course)!
Featherstone is working as vice president of sales, North
America for an Australian consumer packaging firm called Amcor.
They are the third largest packaging firm in the world, and
do a variety of things from films, to fiberboard, to bottles.
Terri and the boys (Danny and Austin) are doing great. The
big event for the Featherstones is that Danny graduates from
high school this year and will be attending Central Michigan
University in the fall. Austin is still crazy about hockey
and has been skating with the local travel team the last three
years. Their summer plans are to make the annual trek down
to the North Carolina coast in July.
Niyonzima married Raffi Aroian on Jan. 27. Jeanine has
been living in San Diego since 2004. In 2006, she left Emerson
Electric to start her own consulting business in wireless
telecom, and it's still going strong. Last year, at a women's
retreat, she shared her dream to help her native country,
Burundi, fight poverty through education and healthcare. Inspired
to put her dream to work, a group of caring women signed up
to help start Burundi Friends International (BFI). The group
has been meeting monthly, developing plans of action. Their
first fund-raising event is at the U.S. Open Golf Tournament
this June. Anyone wishing to get involved can go to their
Web site at bufri.org. All are invited to reconnect
with Jeanine in San Diego anytime!
Oakley was recently appointed CEO of North American Video,
a worldwide leader in the implementation of integrated video
surveillance and security systems. Congratulations!
Subramony is now working for UST-Global as a general manager.
His office is in Aliso Viejo, Calif., but he still travels
a lot, has a home in New Jersey and is often back in India.
Arun continues to make friends with everyone, including fuzzy
purple ones! Other teammates who are doing well, send their
greetings, and hope to stay in touch include Charlie Kinas,
Ray Quatrochi, Ron Reynolds, Rebecca Liebert,
Steve Conley, Steve Adams, Ernita Johnson,
Kevin Burke and Dan Nelson.
teammates had a great time at our five-year Reunion. The "I
Team" won the best team attendance award — Greg
Wells, Mike Bileca, Tim Schmidt and Kevin Harris.
Also in attendance: Joe Dalum, Lora Rosenbaum,
Arun Subramony, Scott Egner, Maureen Bryan,
Rana Altenburg, George Baus and Patrick Davenport.
We're planning an EMP-54 reunion in Wisconsin next summer
(August 2009) so watch for e-mails about it.