recently became the CFO of Hess Print Solutions. It is a PE
portfolio company of Wellspring Capital, producing business-to-business
catalogs and softcover educational workbooks for the major
educational publishers. Chris would love to catch up after
seven years. Feel free to give him a call at 815.334.6113.
Burack continues to be one spirited guy. He was recently
honored with an Advocate Health Care "Spirit Award."
A co-worker nominated him for going above and beyond on an
Advocate core value.
Herring has been appointed acting executive director of
information technology for Grant Thornton International. We
are trying to determine whether he has been cloned, as he
still continues in his former role as executive director,
risk and regulatory matters. Makes business cards confusing
as well as answering the phone difficult. He does it all with
one in the class should call Darlene Ziebell as soon
as possible. She sent a tantalizing note about a new business.
The details were not public at the publishing deadline. We
expect to read about her in Fast Company this summer.
and I wish everyone a summer filled with lots of joy and laughter!