Kellogg EMP-45'ers! I hope you are all doing well. I'm living
in England, working for Microsoft as an enterprise strategy
consultant and having a great time. I've been lucky enough
to see a few of you since I've been here but always have room
to see more! Here are a few bits of news from a couple of
you (if I missed anything, please tell me again. I'd say my
memory isn't what it once was, but I don't remember it being
any better).
Kevin Beckett EMP-45 with his children |
and Kevin Beckett are doing great. They are blessed
to have three little ones now.
Salmon and Pat Mackin are both at Medtronics. Medtronic
is a $13B medical device company that makes implantable devices
and minimally invasive surgical tools for a wide array of
chronic diseases. Sean runs one of the sectors of their cardiovascular
business (drug coated stents etc). And Pat runs the CRDM business
(implantable pacemakers and defibrillators).
Litvak (formerly Pierro) and her husband adopted two children
from Kazakhstan in 2002: Isabella (6) and Anton (8). They
are still working in the real estate development market and
have two new residential projects opening this summer.
Crews is now in his eighth year as the CFO of Monsanto.
It seems to him that time has passed so quickly and he's still
enjoying the work and the challenges!
of our Kellogg forwarding e-mail addresses seem to now be
working (except for seven at the time of this writing) so
you can reach any of your classmates at their e-mail forwarding
address of First Initial, Last Name 2000, @kellogg.northwestern.edu
(for example, "KQuincey2000@kellogg.northwestern.edu").
Since we had two "J Murrays," John is JMurray2000
while Jonathan is JMurray12000. Pat Mackin's and Robin Sellar's
first initial are both J. Bob Carlstedt is R (well, that one's
not too hard to guess), and for anyone who has changed last
names since we left, the e-mail routing still uses the old
name. These addresses are an important aid in keeping in touch
with each other. It also means we don't need to change the
e-mail addresses in our address books every time anyone changes
companies or ISPs. The seven lost sheep at the moment are:
Brian Pereira,
Dorothy Hawkins, Essie Eisenfeld, Jeffrey Hamilton,
Michael Irving, Scott Kushino and Scott Ragan.
you have their current e-mail addresses or are in contact
with any of them, please let me know so I can help them reconnect
their Kellogg e-mail forwarding to an active e-mail box. If
anyone would like to help facilitate a mini-reunion anytime
between this summer and next summer, please let me know. It
doesn't take a lot of time but helps us immensely to have
a local expert who knows places to go and stay in your current
or past locales. And finally, please please please send me
some short updates on what's new in your world (work, travel,
family, photos or other). I miss all of you!