Karine Dombi, Marcelo Xavier ‘04 and the Belgian soccer team’s newest promise, Pedro Henrique |
Diane, Jon ‘04 and Chase Friedman, all smiles in Solana Beach |
Brian Kopp ‘04 and family at Danny’s baptism, literally with their hands full! From left Rita, Danny, Patrick, Kevin, Brian and Bridget |
— Full-Time
I write this in May, Chicago is just ending its winter of
record snowfall, New York-based alums are hosting picnics
in Central Park, and the South Americans are busting winter
clothes out of the baulera (storage or trunk). No mention
of the West Coast, because isn't it always summer there? For
the rest of you, many warm wishes for the rest of your summer
thanks to all who contributed to this issue on such short
notice. The response regarding use of public transportation
was strong indeed, with many hardy souls doing the commuter
shuffle at all hours of the day (and night). Fairly positive
experiences reported by all, I am happy to say.
Goldberger recently left Revlon to take a position at
Coty on the Rimmel brand. Hey, who wouldn't want to go from
"mass market" to "edgy and streetwise"?
Marsh is heading back to Boston for a market job at Pearson,
an educational publisher. She writes that the move gets her
a lot closer to her family in Connecticut.
Van Dusen joined Bridge Strategy Group, a small management
and strategy consulting firm in downtown Chicago this past
March. He writes, "We were recently acquired by Satyam,
the large multinational consulting and IT firm, which is based
in India." No fears, dear classmates; EVD and wife Tanner
will still be calling Chicago home. The only real change is
that, instead of outsourcing to India, Edwin is now being
outsourced by India.
and Jonathan Friedman enjoy year-round summer in their
new digs in Solana Beach (that's just north of San Diego;
I hear they welcome visitors). Jon recently accepted a position
with Arc Technologies, a maker of precision components for
customers such as NASA's jet propulsion laboratories and physicians
in need of medical instruments to repair spinal nerves. (You
know if a MMM says 'precise' he ain't jokin' around.) Son
Chase (1) is thriving, Diane is a real estate agent and Jon
has taken up surfing as a new hobby. (I repeat, the Friedmans
welcome all Kellogg alums to their sunny surfside abode in
for our latest Wonder Women sightings, Isabelle (Bibbler)
Parker and her husband Josh welcomed Lena Parker in April.
Lena joins older sister Hanna (2). As if caring for two little
ladies weren't enough, Isabelle has also been the CFO of a
public charter high school for the past two years. She and
the school's director have plans to open a second school and
start a charter management organization. Sabina Chatterjee
also had a new addition to the family at the end of February:
Annika Irie Chatterjee joins big sister Maya (2). And Carrie
(Cimmet) Mitchell had baby Lily Jane in September with
husband Scott.
Comisarow sends word that he, wife Vanessa and daughter
Ava Reese are doing well in Toronto. Ava Reese is at a stage
where she eats anything within reach, including cameras (hence
the lack of photo).
James Wiggins
family brings one more environmentally conscious humanist
into the world (hey, we need all we can get) with the arrival
in January of Amelia Beatrice. They also continue their global
trek, moving from Brasilia to Addis Ababa this summer. Any
Kellogg alum in or passing through East Africa, please give
them a ring.
Dombi and Marcelo Xavier announced the arrival
of their son, Pedro Henrique, in March 2007. They write, "As
this little Brazilian was born in Belgium, there is still
hope for the Belgium soccer team in the coming World Cups."
Yes, and possibly for the Brazilian soccer team in the coming
Kellogg World Cups! Ouch!
and Brian Kopp welcomed new member Daniel William Kopp
on Feb. 7. The Kopps add, "Danny is baby No. 4 for us,
joining Patrick (4), Kevin (2) and Bridget (2). They keep
our hands full (literally), but we're also having a great
time. It should be a fun summer for us out in the Chicago
edition's global travel report comes from Suchet Singh,
who recently took his son Vyom Raj (3) to visit the Taj Mahal
with wife, Sonal. Suchet writes that it was his son's first
trip to the monument and also a memorable one. Suchet is based
in Summit, N.J., and is looking forward to catching up with
classmates based in or traveling to the area. (Behold, Big
Dogs — check out Suchet's family photo. Do you even
recognize him? Section shout out to Suchet!) |