— Part-Time
Jason Ewing ‘00 and Jocelyn visited the pyramids in Egypt. |
Amy (Shields) Johnson ‘00 and husband, Chris, with children Aidan and Norah |
Hello TMP Class
of 2000! Summer is finally here! Please take a minute to send
us updates on gatherings with other alumni, job changes, marriages,
births, etc. Consider sending that amazing photo of you or
other Kellogg alumni at that summer vacation destination.
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about submitting Class Notes, perhaps your alumni e-mail forwarding
address set up. To do this, go to kellogg.northwestern.edu/alumni/index.htm
to set this up. While you are there, be sure to sign up for
the TMP Class of 2000 listserv. On with the updates!
Barriga has accepted a position as the outreach and education
coordinator for Mission SF Federal Credit Union, a nonprofit
microfinance Institution serving the poor in San Francisco.
Ivan can be reached at ivanebarriga@gmail.com.
Darcy was recently promoted to director, market education,
for CME Group. CME Group was formed by the 2007 merger of
the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade.
Kate is responsible for leading the development and execution
of the company's global education strategy, expanding the
understanding and use of futures and options on futures among
institutional and individual traders. Part of her new role
involves working with leading schools, such as Kellogg, to
expand their derivatives education and outreach within the
industry. Kate can be reached at Kate.Darcy@cmegroup.com.
has recently moved and was promoted to managing
director at Stevenson & Co., (stevensonco.com) a boutique investment bank in the Chicagoland
area specializing in M&A for middle market companies and
private equity groups. Additionally, Jason and wife Jocelyn
recently took a trip to Egypt and Jordan to visit the pyramids
and the ancient city of Petra. Jason may be reached at jhje98@hotmail.com.
Lou (Shields) Johnson writes, "Norah Katherine Johnson
joined our little family Feb. 15, 2007. She came to us screaming
and has since only made her demands more known. I expect nothing
short of world domination for her. Aidan (3) is growing bigger
daily, in both stature (well maybe not so much) and maturity.
He is truly a sweetheart and dotes on his baby sister. My
husband, Chris, began his MBA studies last summer at that
"other" school. Needless to say, I am a veritable
source of knowledge, expertise and advice for him during this
venture. As for myself, I continue to work full-time at Northern
Trust and have finished a two-year project on nFORM, an enterprise-wide
implementation of our financial systems and related processes.
I now return to the mainstream as I join Northern Trust Global
Investment's Compliance group, focusing on SEC regulations
and compliance around investment advisory services."
Amy can be reached at ALS4@ntrs.com.
Litman co-authored the recently published book DRIVEN:
Business Strategy, Human Actions, and the Creation of Wealth.
Available now, readers at amazon.com have given it
some of the highest ratings and reviews for any business book.
It summarizes the research and framework behind Return Driven
Strategy. More information and more reviews from CEOs and
investment analysts are available at returndriven.com.
Joel may be reached at joellitman@gmail.com.
Rossolatos was named as one of Canada's Top 40 Under 40
leaders, which was published in the Globe and Mail newspaper.
The Caldwell Partners' annual Top 40 Under 40 awards celebrate
the achievements of the sharpest young minds in Canada.
in touch everyone!