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  Katharina and Nick Denissen WHU-02 went sailing in the British Virgin Islands.

Kim Armbruster has moved from Munich to Starnberg, Germany.

Last year brought a lot of changes for Nick Denissen. His update: "In August, Katharina and I undertook a mountainbike transalp. We spent a week biking from our doorstep to Riva, Italy, crossing a number of high mountain passes on some exciting trails. With completion of his elementary education, Max started last year at a new school, Kloster Schaeftlarn, where he is having fun learning Latin. Chris and Richie are now in third and second grade. Both are in theater groups and play a lot of sports. After five years working for Hubert Burda Media, the last four of which I spent as CEO of Cybeport GmbH in Dresden, Germany, it was time for something new. In December I joined Amazon as director of entertainment for After four years of commuting from Munich to Dresden every week, I am enjoying living and working in the same city as my family. Between jobs, Katharina and I took a little time off and went sailing in the BVI.

The son of Rasmus Frick, Julius Christoph, was born on Aug. 24 and is happily developing into a boy, exploring his home at worm's-eye view.

Thomas Oehmichen was appointed CEO of ASK Chemicals Jan. 1 and heads the foundry activities of the Süd-Chemie group. He relocated from beautiful Munich to the Düsseldorf area. While the countryside cannot be compared with the Bavarian mountains, his new job is a lot fun and keeps him busy enough to miss them not too much. Since one change is not enough, he also got married in February to Nicole Nell. A busy start in the new year!

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University