Kellogg World Alumni Magazine Summer 2007Kellogg School of Management
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Congratulations to Polly MacIsaac and Will Chutkow on the birth of Alexander Rupp Chutkow on March 27. Alex and mom are doing well and Polly reports that "he's a sweet and easy going little/big guy (born at 20 inches long and tipping the scales at 8 pounds, 15 ounces) with a very hands-on big brother Sam and big sister Tessa."

Marlon McClinton is involved with the Chicago Park District's Rainbow Fleet Sailing Summer Camp again this summer. The sailing programs are developed for the young people of Chicago and are designed to build self-confidence, teamwork skills and sportsmanship. Marlon will be enjoying Chicago's beautiful lake front this summer while getting the chance to work with kids in a great program.

Michelle Misialek recently took a new position as vice president and controller of Union Tank Car (a Marmon Company). She extends her thanks for all of the support and advice our fellow classmates provided while she was looking for this exciting new position. She also encourages those working downtown to call her for lunch since she is now working in the Loop.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University