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2001 — Part-Time

Joseph Scherer got married in October 2004, and he and his wife, Sarah, had a daughter, Katie, in December 2005. He volunteers at Willow Creek Community Church and is co-owner of a Raymond James Financial Services office in South Barrington, Ill.

Ross Berger is a fixed income portfolio manager in the proprietary portfolio at Wells Fargo Bank. Ross and his wife have two wonderful daughters (3 and 1).

John Lynch and his wife, Marie, welcomed twin baby girls, Grace Anne and Jane Elizabeth, on May 11. They join older brother Jack (6) and sister Catherine (3) in what is now a very full household.

Mark Podl recently completed the purchase of Doran Scales Inc. based in Batavia, Ill. For 30 years Doran Scales has been a market leader in the manufacture of digital scales used in food processing, food service, chemical and heavy industry.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University