— Part-Time
Part-Time Class of 1992 is seeking new leadership. Interested?
Please contact kworld@kellogg.northwestern.edu. You
may also send your news updates to that address.
Ackerberg was promoted to global president of the workspace
tools business unit at Acco Brands Inc. in Lincolnshire, Ill.
In May, Robert Moore was promoted to global senior
executive vice president of ABN-Amro Bank, apparently the
highest rank ever for an American and perhaps even for someone
without wooden shoes. Diana Ferguson was hired
as executive vice president and CFO for sweetener-maker Merisant
Worldwide Inc. Vince Arnone, CFO of Fuel-Tek Corporation,
attended the Jefferies Cleantech Equity conference in NYC
last month. Vince handled his CEO's humorous gesture of rapping
on the head during an investor presentation with great aplomb.
A Wharton-type might have turned around and slugged him or
sued for harassment.