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  Kellogg Recanati Alumni 08
  Michel Abadi KR-08 with wife and son Yossef
  Kellogg Recanati Alumni 08
  Kfir Waldman KR-08 with new son Alon


On March 1, Sharon Schreiber became vice president of business development at Xfone Inc. Xfone is an international voice and data communications provide.

Osama Kasbari was recently promoted to manage the financial restructuring program at Financial Markets International (FMI) in the West Bank. FMI is a law and economics international consulting firm based in Bethesda, Md.

Ethelle Pollak married Uri Rabinovich on May 25.

Michel Abadi and his wife have a newborn son called Yossef.

Gaby Campos-Woslavsky has been promoted to general manager of Avaya (Israel) and cross-Avaya SIP/distributed enterprise business.

Kfir Waldman and his wife Tamar have a newborn son called Alon, a brother to 3-year-old Yehonatan.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University