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Kellogg Alumni EMP Class 59
Has it really been a whole year since graduation? Enjoying themselves at Julie Kanak's EMP-59 party are Carol Stacklin EMP-59, Deanna Segil EMP-59, Caroline Rogers EMP-59, Bernie Birt, Suzanne Thoren, Amy Schuman EMP-59 and Luis Nunez EMP-59.


Movin' and Shakin:

Mathew Vachaparampil has experienced an exciting turn of events recently, as he launched his new software services technology company! We hear that he has some great contracts lined up and has been traveling to South America, Europe and India working on the new business venture. He has been jet-setting and is currently hiring new employees. I am sure that we will be hearing more great things from this venture. Go Mathew! This is truly the Kellogg spirit in motion. Mathew tells me that he used a lot of skills from Professor Weber's statistics class and is working out some KSTAT modeling.

  Kellogg EMP Alumni Class 59
  Bob Rossi EMP-59 with son Blake Robert Rossi

Tom Tyndall has been busy. He has purchased an equity stake in his own company, and he took on a new role as vice president and general manager on May 29. Tom writes" "The company is Eagle Flexible Packaging. We print and convert film substrates for packaging for consumer products such as: health and beauty, cosmetics, food and beverage. Our products include shrink sleeves, pouches, stand-up pouches, labels, wrappers. We specialize in short-run, just-in-time production. We also do marketing sample quantities."

Congrats, Tom, on this exciting new venture, and best of luck to you and Susan!

Steve Winandy accepted a new role at CDW and will be leading the firm's Asian efforts in China. Steve is now in charge of international business development! Congrats to Steve on his exciting changes. New son Trevor, new gig at work — what is next?

Julie Kanak has made some exciting changes in her life too. Julie has joined Kincannon and Reid as an executive recruiter. She will specialize in finance people for the food and beverage industry.


Reunion 2006 was lots of fun. We were thrilled to connect with so many of our friends at the Allen Center on May 6. Joining in the dancing and drinking were:

Ed Blumen, Heidi Voorhees, Barb Zeifer, Mo O' Gorman, Katie Bylak, Michele Kabele, Julie Kanak, Mark Bernhard, Mathew Vachaparampil, Stan Menezes, Marguerite Fernandez, Bruce McConnell, Amy Schuman, Lynn Lullo, Lauren Reid, Tom Malkin, Bernie Birt, Kelly Foley and the EMBA staff.

Chris Moore was able to make it for the Friday-night festivities, and this writer understands that Nevin's was a great time for the old gang!

Heidi and Barb signed up for the 5K run and had a nice time at the event.

It was great seeing all of you and our pals from EMP-60. What an awesome turnout!

Kellogg EMP Alumni Class 59
From left, Troy Vellinga, Steve Winandy, Jeff Smith and Jim Galante (all EMP-59) at a recent breakfast get-together

We have continued the theme of Ladies Nite with the EMP- 59 and 60 girls. The latest venue, Caroline Rogers' amazing penthouse, was fantastic. While we giggled and drank cosmos, Caroline had a handwriting expert analyze our script. It was fun, and along the lines of palm reading — we all have amazing Venus lines! Caroline had the whole event planned so well, from the sushi to the amazing desserts. We truly enjoyed an evening of fine company and fine dining. (P.S. Girls, do not have this same expectation the next time you come to my place — no waiters at Chez Bylak!) (P.P.S. Where in the world is Pam Seavers?)

In attendance were: Heidi Voorhees, Katie Bylak, Amy Schuman, Lynn Lullo, Michelle Kabele, Caroll Stacklin, Caroline Rogers, Bernie Birt, Patricia Harris, Deanna Segil, Suzanne Thoren, Julie Kanak and Marguerite Fernandez.

Michelle Kabele has been doing a perpetual tour of the United States recently for Zebra Technologies. She has been bi-coastal for the better part of two months splitting time between California and New York with a brief stopover back home to see the dog (Mollie).

Mike Morgan has been spending a lot of time in Sweden on business. Sure Š business Š we've heard that before!

Katie Bylak, Mike Morgan, Jeff Wilkison and Julie Kanak had a great time at the first annual KACC northwest golf event at White Deer Run on May 20.

Jim Galante wrote to tell me about a family vacation that he took with his family to Venice Florida. Sounds like the boys had fun in the sun down South. Also, Jim is still working on his karate and coaching the boys' baseball teams this summer. Sounds like fun!

Katie Bylak (me) and husband Anthony took the troops to Hawaii for a very rainy spring break on Maui. But we did see some awesome whales and sea turtles. Also, we are spending much of June on the quest for colleges for Ryan (16). He is looking at Northwestern, BC, U of M, Vanderbilt and Wisconsin at this point, and is moving to the "O line" this year for St. Viator. Come out and see a game or two this fall — it is Friday Nite Lites in Arlington Heights and so much fun. Anthony is finishing up his first year in EMP-65 and just put the Chopra final to bed. Can't wait for the summer!

Tom Tyndall and wife Susan had some exciting travels this past year, a fun weekend in Paris, travel to Brussels, Poland, Germany and a cruise with 50 other families on Royal Caribbean. Talk about world travelers!


Ben Graham was married on June 3 to his longtime sweetheart, Molly. Congrats!

Pitter patter of little feet:

Bob Rossi and his wife Sara welcomed baby Blake Robert Rossi. He was born May 9 and weighed in at 7 lbs. and is 19.5 inches tall. Everyone is home and healthy.


Interested in a Vegas weekend with our sister class EMP-60? We are looking to set up a fun weekend on May 4-6, 2007 and welcome you to join in the fun! Contact Katie Bylak for more details (spouses and significant others welcome, but no kids, please).

Future events: Now you can get the news even faster, with the help of Michelle Kabele and Rana Singh. We now have our own Web site, so visit for the latest updates, events and pictures of your classmates!

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University