Steve Hester EMP-58 was recently appointed president of Hester Decorating. |
has joined Kaufman Hall as vice president. Kaufman Hall specializes
in the raising of capital, performing M&A work and other
financial advisory roles for healthcare companies.
Lochner has moved from Washington, D.C., to Philadelphia.
Eric has accepted a promotion at Kenexa, based in Philadelphia,
and Drew has accepted a position as executive director and
CEO of the New York Restoration Project, a $15-million nonprofit
founded by Bette Midler 12 years ago. Its mission is to restore
public spaces and offer programs and services to the communities
the parks serve. The foundation is the second largest landholder
in New York City (second to the City itself) with more than
1000 acres of parkland. Drew's goals include fundraising and
building the organization to scale.
Mockard is working with AXA's new business partner, the
U.S. government, in providing health benefits to the retirees
of the Panama Canal Zone in Panama City. Rob is spending about
a third of his time in Panama and in the Miami finance center.
Rob also completed the long-range flying requirement toward
earning his private pilot's license.
Hester, newly appointed president of Hester Painting &
Decorating — a high-end painting, wall covering installation
and faux finishing company — has announced that the
38-year-old firm is expanding through franchising. The new
Hester franchises will offer an opportunity for management
and sales professionals to get out of the corporate world
of layoffs and other headaches. They will be provided with
training in faux-finishing secrets, marketing and other business
procedures. And, of course, they will receive insights that
only a Kellogg grad can offer.