Kellogg World Alumni Magazine Summer 2006Kellogg School of Management
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Well, this is it! Ten years and no new news. The deadline and request came mighty fast after the spring edition so I'm hopeful that is the reason. The good news is I don't have to remember the style edits, spelling and grammar rules.

And speaking of editing, I believe I neglected to mention in the last magazine the name of the Seattle coffee company for which Darryl Branch is now a vice president: Starbucks.

Thanks to those of you who supported Mike Shelton by either walking or donating to MS. If you intended to donate but forgot, you can always go online and make a donation at

If you know people who have fallen out of touch, please have them update their information with Kellogg. In the future, I'll be using some broadcast mail functionality offered through Kellogg in hopes that the e-mail won't get caught in spam filters and that our classmates might do a better job of keeping their alumni information up to date. Responses will still come to me.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University