Kellogg World Alumni Magazine Summer 2006Kellogg School of Management
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After close to three years of serving as your class reps, we have chosen to take a summer hiatus from the rigorous creative process involved in birthing the Kellogg World Class Notes. As gentle, pooh-hearted, kindred Kellogg spirits, you will certainly understand our motives, and you will in fact embrace our decision as healthy, restorative and simply brilliant.

But all is not lost, savvy Class of 2003 readers. We will be back with all the jokes, gags, puns and sniglets with the publication of the fall '06 issue of KW.

In the meantime, please keep your submissions coming to Barry or Tindley through the summer, as well as your photos, so we can all produce a banner Class Notes section in the fall.

And pretty please let us know if you're interested in sharing the honor of class representative with us. We would hate to be accused of hogging our editorial privileges and feel that there are many worthy classmates out there who also deserve a bite of the pie. And what a delicious pie it is. Seriously, let us know if you're interested. I mean, really: tell us. For the love of all things good in this world, tell us already!

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University