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  Kellogg Alumni Class of 1993
  Heather Forsythe '93 enjoyed a zip line ride through the rainforest in Cost Rica in May.
  Kellogg Alumni Class of 1993
  Dave Leach '93 and daughter Esme last summer at Martha's Vineyard
  Kellogg Alumni Class of 1993
  Hans Lidforss '93 married Irina Nolan on Feb. 5 in Hawaii among family and friends.
  Kellogg Alumni Class of 1993
  Rusen Yildirim '93, general manager at Kent Hospital in Izmir, Turkey, enjoys riding his KTM bike in his free time.
  Kellogg Alumni Class of 1993
  Monica, Carter, Alex, Matthew, Kevin '93 and Kate Thompson in Switzerland


Lots of changes continue for David Darragh in New Orleans! For starters, William Swayze Darragh was born on Feb. 25. Mom and baby are doing well and Thomas is thrilled to be a big brother. Also, David resigned as president of Zatarain's and accepted the position of president and CEO of closely held Reily Foods, which is also located in New Orleans.

Ghia Griarte and her husband Rod Brewster also have a new addition to their family. Their son Grant was born on April 21 and joins big sister Natalie.

Jack McGonagle is still working in financial services technology sales, and his other (rugby) career has moved from playing to coaching a team in New York City called "Old Blue RFC." His USMC involvements are pretty casual, with about zero chances of heading back anytime soon.

Jack wanted to remind everyone just how long we've been out of school. His son Jackson was born just before we all finished up in 1993, and he just turned 13 the earlier this year. Jackson has his mom's height — he's 5' 6" and very athletic. He lives in Tribeca with his mom and step-dad.

Chip Hardwick continues to work toward his doctorate in divinity at Princeton. He is spending the summer working on his dissertation (how listeners can help preachers to preach better) in New Jersey and hopes to graduate next spring.

Jen Cutler Merritt seems to be following in Chip's footsteps. Jen has been accepted at Yale Divinity School and will matriculate in the fall of 2007. In the meantime, she and her family will be in Charlottesville, Va., where her husband is working in academic publishing. Wylie, her daughter, loves to sing and dance and will be starting kindergarten this fall.

Deborah Muller and her family moved back to the Chicago area last October. She also returned to BCG in Chicago as manager of training programs for the consulting staff. She writes, "It's like I bookmarked this page of my life eight years ago and am finally getting back to it." Her girls are 10 and 7, and have taken to the move really well. Her husband John is leading strategy and corporate development at Beam Global Spirits and Wines (as in, Jim Beam). "It's great to be back in Kellogg country!" writes Deborah.

Kevin Thompson and his family are also moving back to Chicago (Wilmette) later this year, after living in Zurich, Switzerland, for the last 4 years. Kevin has been working at Cablecom, a large but financially distressed cable operator, helping to execute a turnaround. He has worn several functional hats, including consumer marketing, corporate strategy and most recently network technology as the CTO. During this time company ownership moved from NTL Inc. to NTL Europe to private equity and finally back to being publicly traded with Liberty Global Inc. "It's been a fun adventure," says Kevin, "but we've successfully completed the turnaround, so it's time to move on. My current job is SVP of the Pan European Technology Center for UPC Broadband (a subsidiary of Liberty) and I'm wrapping up integration work before heading back to Chicago." Kevin isn't sure what the next job will be but he is certainly looking forward to reconnecting with the Chicago crowd and attending a few Northwestern games.

Rusen Yildirim has stayed in the healthcare sector since he left Kellogg. After working 10 years in London, he returned to Istanbul and took a position as a general manager at Istanbul Surgery Hospital. The hospital was technology-driven, specializing in ophthalmology services. Patients from all over the world benefit from the clinic's services — particularly from the vision-correction lasik surgeries. After being there about four years, he moved to Izmir more than a year ago. Now Rusen is working as a general manager at Kent Hospital, a much bigger facility that specializes in cardiovascular surgery.

Even with his very busy schedule, Rosen does find time for on- and off-road motor biking. "I love my new KTM bike," writes Rosen. "Kent Hospital is very close to Ephesus and the house of Virgin Mary. I would be delighted to meet any Kellogg alumni when they are visiting this historic part of the world."

Kellogg Alumni Class of 1993
A Kellogg Women's dinner in Tokyo. Attendees included Yumiko Sato '93, Mariko Osato '92, Asako Hoshino '88, Tamae Takeda '04, Naoko Tauchi '99, Tomoko Take '00, Yoshiko Inoue '05, and Renee Ziegenfus '96.

Thirteen years after graduating, Vickie Lents is still in Winston-Salem, N.C., enjoying the sunny weather and easy living of the South. She recently left Sara Lee (Champion Products and Hanes), and joined a nationally distributed garage door company, Amarr, that is based in North Carolina. Writes Vickie, there are "lots of exciting marketing opportunities in this industry — do you know which brand of garage door is on your house?!" Vickie is enjoying work, her family (3-year-old twin girls Samantha and Aimee and husband Kurt) and playing tennis.

For 10 years Dave Leach has been with the Merck vaccine division in marketing, where he is now a senior product manager. He lives in Blue Bell, Pa., with his wife Kim, an attorney for the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania. They have a 3-year-old daughter named Esme (pronounce Ezmay). Dave still plays ice hockey in a men's league. "I love watching my daughter at gymnastics class or going to music class with her on Saturday mornings. Can't wait to get her on skates!" Dave went to Jon Bellman's wedding in 2004 and saw a number of classmates, including John Sheputis, Susie Campbell, Mike Moorman and Ken Roberts.

After being together for two years, Hans Lidforss and Irina Nolan tied the knot on Feb. 5 in Hawaii among family and friends. Hans returned to the United States in 2000 after spending two years in Sweden working for McKinsey and five years in England working for GE and GE Capital. He now lives in San Francisco and works for Hewlett-Packard as corporate vice president and global head of mergers and acquisitions for HP's technology solutions group. Hans enjoys his life with Irina in San Francisco and his travels that take him around the world.

After eight years at Lehman Brothers Japan, Yumiko Sato last year joined her father's business, pharmacies management and elder care (sending helpers to seniors), and she is learning to manage the business. Yumiko writes that Satoko Sunami had a baby last year and lives in California with her family. Yumiko recently saw Shinji Torigoe and Dai Takehara. Shinji is the president and Dai is director of Advantage Risk Management Co. Ltd. They have run this company more than 10 years.

Yumiko recently attended a Kellogg Women's dinner in Tokyo. Mariko Osato '92, who organized the dinner, split off from her partner last year and runs her own business right now. Also attending the dinner were Asako Hoshino '88, a corporate vice president of Nissan Motor; Tamae Takeda '04 with McKinsey & Co.; Naoko Tauchi '99, head of the infusion and nutrition business in Ajinomoto; Tomoko Take '00 with Citibank Japan; Yoshiko Inoue '05 with Goldman Sachs; and Renee Ziegenfus '96 with GE money in Tokyo.

As for me, Heather Forsythe, at the end of May I took a much-needed vacation — to Costa Rica. Highlights of my trip included a day of whitewater rafting down the Toro river (the boat flipped just once), ziplining across the rainforest canopies in both Monteverde and Arenal, seeing the Arenal volcano erupt (yes, erupt!) from the balcony of our bungalow and rappelling down several spectacular waterfalls. If you haven't yet been to Costa Rica, I highly recommend it.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University