Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Summer 2004Kellogg School of Management
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An open letter to all Kellogg students, alumni, staff and faculty:

You've heard about us, you've read about us and some of you have even dreamed about us. Now you can take it to the next level by experiencing us. EMP-51 is pleased to invite you to join us for EMP-51 Reunion 2004. Here are the details ...

When: August 5-8 Where: San Francisco/Napa Valley Hotel: The Stanford Court Itinerary:Aug. 5 6:30-8:30 p.m. Welcome reception 8:30 p.m.-??? Ad hoc gatherings/shenanigans

Aug. 6 --- Local Activities Choices: Golf at The Presidio Alcatraz/SF Tour Victorian homes tour Guided Chinatown walking tour Spa/Shopping Day of leisure Evening: Progressive Dinner (Chinatown, North Beach and Ghirardelli's)

Aug. 7 --- Wine Day in Napa 9 a.m-4 p.m. Domaine Carneros Napa Valley Grille Cline Cellars Evening: Dine-round in SF TBD

Aug. 8 --- Departures

Are you interested? Of course you are. Are you daring enough to contact me for a registration form? We'll both know when (and if) you email me with your request for the form at! We hope to see you there!

Greetings EMP-51 alumni. As is now tradition, we shall end the guessing from our latest round of "Can You Guess the BS?" Many of you guessed correctly that Zimm's Crack CrËme and Marc Zimmermann are not necessarily as directly related as Gene's note indicated. Some of you were clearly thrown off the trail by suggesting there was no way T-shirt shopping can be accomplished in Ann Arbor after midnight. True on most nights, but not when the Ohio Tree Nuts come to town. Desi O'Grady wrote we couldn't possibly be T-shirt shopping because we would have no need for shirts?

Interestingly, none of you challenged salsa dancing at the German restaurant, proving the senses of EMP-51 are sharper than most! This issue of Kellogg World continues to bring you yet a tougher challenge, as the many antics of our class continue to range broad and deep. The new twist promised in the last issue was chopped by the editors, so you'll have to come to the Reunion to hear what it was!

Reunion update:

As you can see above, this year's reunion is STILL planned for August 5-8 in San Francisco, with a Napa Valley wine excursion. Your personal registration form should be arriving shortly. Fill it out and fax it in because it's going to be a heck of a time!

We are sorry to report Julie Cisek Jones will NOT be attending Reunion 2004. Something about launching a new class on their two-year journey is getting in her way. She writes how her marriage is suffering from this conflict because her husband is very upset he can't come. Further, she is "...sorry to be a party pooper." Julie, we're sorry to hear you won't be able to make it! Send your hubby anyway!

Further, Erica Kantor hemmed and hawed her way out of a recent phone conversation with yours truly and Steve "Love Boy" Sullins when pressed for an affirmative RSVP. Similarly, Marty expressed his interest in coming to the reunion STAG. Bring it on --- from the looks of Julie's response, it appears you have a travel partner!

Randy Hopper EMP-51, starring in 'West Side Story', generously shares his muscleman glam-shot with Elizabeth T. Crane EMP-51, Heather Robinson EMP-51 and Kellogg School staffer Bernie Birt. Thank goodness it's not a full-body shot!

Ingrid Lehnert sends her regrets, "Unfortunately I will not be able to make the reunion this year (yet again). It falls squarely in my planned two-week summer vacation with my son. We are planning on traveling to northern Minnesota in my little red truck with our fifth wheel attached, but if we change our mind and try for northern California instead, we wouldn't need a room anyhow since our hotel follows our car." Sorry to hear of the conflict, Ingrid. Hope to hear your air horn on Nob Hill.

Bernie Birt has the right spirit. She writes, "I'm working on going to the reunion in August. I'll get on the ball and book a room and worry about the rest of the details later. Thanks for including me on the reunion. I do miss EMP-51 and look forward to seeing you and playing with the masters!" Now that's more like it.

The right spirit defines Elizabeth T. Crane. She writes, "I'm in. One tiny problem though: I may have to teach at orientation for the new EMP students that weekend. If that is the case, I will try to teach on Friday morning and be to the reunion on Friday evening. I can't believe they are both on the same weekend! Either way I'll be there." Where there's an EMP-51 will, there's an EMP-51 way!

News roundup:

Serge Tarazi leads off by reporting he has nothing new to report. Thanks for the note, Serge! It's always good to hear from people, even when there's nothing to say but "hi." (Hint, hint to all of EMP-51!).

Likewise, David Whan writes, "Nothing new to report from America's Dairyland, unless you want to hear how great my wife and kids are. I will not be attending the reunion --- my kids sporting events drive nearly every free minute we have so, regrettably, we must pass this year. My vote for the BS ... it has to be that picture of Elvis. I know that was not Sully --- Elvis lives!" David, take two peanut butter and 'nana sandwiches and call me in the morning! We'll miss you.

Chris Jurasek reports, "I am enjoying the [heck] out of life still, the last 20 months have been wild. Rexnord has been a terrific place for me to be working. I am now their vice president and CIO. We sold our house in Champaign, Ill., and will be relocating to Grayslake, Ill., on July 1. The new house is about one hour from my corporate office in Milwaukee and about half an hour from either Chicago O'Hare or Milwaukee airports.

"I was in Vegas with [Anthony] Marino and company last year and have seen George [Kostopoulos] several times in Germany. I have lunch with Guillermo [Herrera] every couple of months. He is doing well. I was down in L.A. twice in the last year, hooked up with Andrew [Young]. Andrew is still driving his old Taurus and seems to also be enjoying life.

"As for reunion plans, I will have to get back to you. I am in Europe one week a month and in about 15 all-day meetings the rest of the month. I will do everything I can to attend." Thanks for the note, Chris! Glad to hear all is well and that you're keeping up with your EMP-51 relationships.

Larry Murphy made news on major wires with this press release: "Semitool Inc. (Nasdaq: SMTL - News), a leading supplier of wafer surface preparation and electrochemical deposition systems, today announced that it has named Larry Murphy executive vice president and chief operating officer, effective May 24.

"Ray Thompson, Semitool's president and chief executive officer said, 'Larry brings to Semitool an in-depth understanding of our business and customers. We are enthusiastic to have him on our team. Larry will work side-by-side as my partner, seeking to position our company to meet the expanding opportunities we have as a result of our new products and the needs of this particular upturn in the semiconductor industry. In addition, Larry's extensive experience and knowledge of the Asian markets will be invaluable as we approach more aggressively the opportunities throughout Asia, which represent the fastest growing areas of demand for semiconductor equipment.

"Murphy joins Semitool after 15 years with Tosoh SMD Inc., a U.S. subsidiary of Tosoh Corp., headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Murphy was Tosoh SMD's president and chief executive officer, as well as chairman of their Taiwanese, Korean and Singapore subsidiaries. Previously at Tosoh SMD, Murphy held several executive positions of increasing responsibility, including chief operating officer, vice president of sales and marketing and global sales manager.'"

The release went on to reflect Larry's poor judgment in undergrad school selection (Michigan State) and further lapses in judgment by affiliating with the Ohio Tree Nut school in one of their mind-numbing "pursuits of excellence."

Gene "Mahatma" McMahon later weighed in stating, "Group R never really meant that you were a tool, only a semi-tool!" The jury's still out on that one, Gene.

Way to go, Larry! Is it true there is no speed limit in Montana? If not and you need a chauffeur, let me know ...

Kannan Srikanth reports he is planning on coming to the reunion and that he is still maintaining the email list on If you have a change in coordinates, please let us know! Thanks, Kannan!

In a phone interview, Anthony Marino reports he is doing everything he can to keep his work-life balance in check. I had trouble reaching him and found out he was at a "business conference" in the Bahamas. Nice work, Anthony!

Davin Lee writes of the joyous (and chaotic) challenges of having two youngsters to raise and his continued willingness to make sure we have a great time at Reunion v.2004. Won't we all be surprised when he pulls up to the hotel driving a cable car!?

Chris Keil did the right thing by sending out an email blaster to all of us when he was planning to be in the Twin Cities recently. Hopefully, he was able to see some of our Twin Cities EMPers and others passing through. I dispatched a reporter to the scene, but he has not returned. Probably stuck in a snow bank scheduled to melt by mid-July. Keep those notes coming! Good technique for continued connectivity.

Speaking of the Twin Cities, Rob Sit reports he and Gayle will be coming to the reunion. Nothing of a visit from Keil, though?! We can only speculate ...

It wouldn't be an issue of EMP-51 Class Notes without some news about Coleman McDonough, would it? Well here it is and right from the source. Coleman writes of his recent appointment as director of risk advisory services for KPMG, "Hello to all, hope everyone is enjoying life these days and all is well with families and friends. I have recently accepted a position with KPMG and am relocating to the Los Angeles area. I have already connected with Andrew Young, Dan Heffernan and Davin and Shirley Lee (and Katelyn and Justin Lee). I am currently on a project weekly in San Jose that will last through June. As of yet, I have not moved to L.A. Will probably have a place in July/August." And so another chapter opens. I think they picked the right guy to understand risk!

Answering my writings from the last issue, Rob Moll retorts: "Maura, my spouse, and I dated for nine months and had a six-month engagement. She is a Harvard law grad, which, by the way, is not the No. 1 law school, and a partner in a mid-sized Cleveland practice. Shortly after getting married, I was offered the position of president of an SBU in Phoenix, Ariz., so I have moved and she is on the way. We are setting up in northern Scottsdale, Ariz., and have plenty of guest space. Maura will telecommute with her law firm. I will try to make the reunion." Bring it on Speed Racer! I've got a special event at Sears Point set up for you.

Neeraj Koli reports he has been busy, busy, busy: "Just had a chance to read your issue of Kellogg World. Sorry I have been out of the loop, but I started a new job in July, and then got married in September (Kevin, Dan, Andrew and Rob were at the wedding) Hope to catch up with everyone this year ... again!" Neeraj, thanks for the note. We hope to see you there! Need pictures and more scoop on the woman of your life!

Randy Hopper EMP-51  
Randy Hopper EMP-51, center, and his son Christopher, right, with everybody's favorite son, Steve 'Love Boy' Sullins EMP-51, at lunch in Chicago in April.  

As you can see by the pictures, Randy Hopper is our featured EMP-51 celebrity. Randy not only tolerated lunch with Sullins, he took time out to take the first step on his way to an Oscar, Emmy, Grammy or whatever he can get his hands on. Yes, he is now taking on the acting community and had a starring role in "West Side Story."

I'm not sure in which barn in Wisconsin this took place, but it looks to be a fairly reputable venue. If the pictures aren't high enough resolution, suffice it to say Randy was prepared for his adoring fans with 8X10 shots of himself mustering a biceps flex sans shirt next to the pool he cleans every summer. Would you expect anything less?

Thanks to Elizabeth Crane, Heather Robinson and Bernie Birt for showing up and supporting his already fragile ego. Rumor has it he was found curled up in a ball rocking in the corner of the "green room" after his performance, having spat on the front row accidentally whilst delivering his lines. Ah, the spotlights and footlights of "off-Broadway." Did everyone get Hopper's Plaxo spam?

Keep those cards and letters coming!

Yours Truly, Bill

P.S. This installment of EMP-51 Class Notes marks the third round of "Can You Guess the BS?" To enter, you must reply back to me with some news about you and your guess as to which of the aforementioned stories is NOT TRUE. There will be numerous prizes awarded for correct answers. Multiple guesses are allowed.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University