Sophie Bross EMP-41 with baby Avery |
to Jonathan and Sophie Bross on the birth of their
second child, Avery. Baby Avery came into the world on April
8, weighing 6 pounds, 15 ounces, and measuring a statuesque
20 inches long. Parker, 2 1/2, is a proud big brother. Jonathan
was in Los Angeles on business when Avery made an appearance
three weeks early. Although he made it back to Chicago in
a record six hours, he, unfortunately, missed her birth.
Gidley and Chicago-based Gidley Consulting have published
"The Best of Both Worlds" in Philanthropy News Digest
as part of a series on "the sustainable nonprofit organization."
To view the article, visit here.
The article demonstrates how nonprofits can benefit from focusing
their resources and borrowing successful existing business