Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Summer 2004Kellogg School of Management
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After living in Asia for more than six years and gaining a wealth of experience working in China, Todd Silvestri relocated back to the States and started his own consulting company, APAC Consulting, counseling American firms moving to China. His business assists U.S. companies in such areas as China strategy definition, new company registration in China, office or factory site selection and much more. We wish you success, Todd, in your new venture.

Charles Brian-Boys has taken a new position as managing partner for Hong Kong's only independent marketing agency, M8.

Peter Davidson has returned from a four-week journey through the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan. He was so inspired by what he found that he shared these thoughts about his experience: "I can best bring Bhutan into focus by saying you must picture a country that decided, out of sound Buddhist sensibilities, to forgo, in large part, the 20th century. I am not sure that they are that off the mark or misguided. The Bhutanese are following a path that some higher order has laid out for them. Their society is largely free of the many ails that afflict developed countries, while still enjoying a general quality of life that neighboring countries envy. This is a raw and rough land meshed with an ancient spiritualism and compelling human dignity. These elements meet their nexus in the people of Bhutan --- people that live often off the scale in terms of simplicity and their capacity to thrivein the harshness of nature. In the midst of this mean existence, these simple people hold to deeply felt ideals and compassion that flow out of the mystery of Tibetan Buddhism. I spent the first few days before the start of the trek in a small valley town called Paro. A few days ago, I returned to the same valley a very different person for the experiences that I had and the people I met."

Valerie Blaisdell Presdee and her husband Garry Presdee, a KH student, are the proud new parents of a baby boy, Ethan William. Ethan was born in Hong Kong on March 31.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University