Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Summer 2004Kellogg School of Management
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Calling all outstanding pledges! Our three-year class gift pledge period is nearing its end. Please help EMP-43, EMP-44 and EMP-45 achieve 100 percent fulfillment on our class gifts. Complete your pledge by Aug. 31!

Sonny Bal, Rob Fore, Joan Petros and Allen Menard all attended Reunion and report they had a great time! The foursome visited with the administration (Julie, Mavis, etc.), attended Dean Jain's address to alumni and made an appearance at one of Professor Raviv's classes. They just wish more EMP-42 classmates had been able to attend. Joan Petros took some pictures we hope to check out in the next edition of Kellogg World.

As of March 26, Peter Hatchell completed the transition process from Hudson-Sharp and assumed full-time duties as president of Parsons-Eagle Packaging Systems. Parsons-Eagle is a supplier of packaging equipment, specializing in net-weighing technology, linear and combination scales and vertical form-fill-seal equipment. Peter will remain in the Green Bay, Wis., area. Reach him at

Bob Stein and his wife Shoshana have relocated to San Diego. Bob is now a senior organizational consultant with Right Management Consultants, a worldwide consultancy just acquired by Manpower. He is working with young, bright organizational psychologists and is adding his business perspective to their cradle-to-grave human management product offerings. Bob is learning a great deal in his new role and can often be found referencing our Kellogg-issued textbooks! His new email address is

I also heard from Brian White recently and he reported he is still with Guardian. In mid-2003, he was promoted to business unit director responsible for Ford Motor Co. from an order acquisition perspective (sales, program management, etc.).

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University