Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Summer 2004Kellogg School of Management
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EMP-36 alum's daughter wedding
A shot from the wedding of Mark Bader's (EMP-36) daughter Erin

We hope everyone in the class is having a great summer. We hope to hear from more of you next time around. The only update this time is from Mark Bader. Mark and Julie Bader's daughter Erin married Randy Ewoldt on May 21 in Eldridge, Iowa. It was a beautiful ceremony attended by more than 200 guests. Fortunately, my husband Matt and I were able to attend the festivities. Erin and Randy will be relocating to the Boston area near Matt and I, so frequent Bader family trips will include keeping the EMP-36 connections thriving.

Best regards, Karen Stevens

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University