Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Summer 2004Kellogg School of Management
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Mark Guglielmi reports that he is now married to Cathy, who he reports is definitely his "better half." Mark says that Cathy's son, Steven, is teaching him lots. The couple honeymooned in Maui, which Mark claims was his first two-week vacation in 20 years. He is still working at GE Consumer Finance, where he is director of quality, cross sell in the global marketing organization.

Marcus Jundt wrote, in his usually pithy style, to say we have his contact information correct. That means he is alive and well in Minneapolis.

Mike Iannaconne was recently appointed managing director at Howe Barnes Investments. The restoration of his home in Oak Park is finished, and the project won a restoration award from the village.

Tim Tonnella wrote to say he was getting married at a ClubMed in Florida in early June. Apparently, members of Group J will be there in force. Tim's still working for Merrill and now runs all four of its business units in the West, as opposed to just one.

Sam Liang and his family have moved from Miami to Chester, N.J. Sam's still with J&J, but is now heading a new venture in stroke management. Sam reports that he's just outside of NYC, with plenty of room for guests. He invites us all to come on by for a visit!

David Goldstein is doing well and still in Philly.

Barry McCarthy

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University