Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Summer 2004Kellogg School of Management
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Diane Meister continues in her role as president of Meridian Associates, the strategy consulting firm she founded before attending EMP. She and her team help middle-market companies plot and execute a corporate direction that delivers improved financial results. In addition --- and this is noteworthy --- she has given back some of her energies to NU as a founding member and past chairperson of the Kellogg Alumni Club Entrepreneurship Network. Diane also was appointed to the Kellogg Alumni Club of Chicago's advisory board in 1999 and has been a guest lecturer on strategic planning in Northwestern's classrooms. Thanks, Diane, for representing EMP-23 so well!

Our own Dr. Terra Thomas, as you may have seen in the press, was recently named president and CEO of the Human Resources Development Institute (HRDI). HRDI provides behavioral and community health-care services at 20 or so sites throughout the Chicago area and beyond.

Bruce Windedahl has recently opened a significant new office wing at the Kraft headquarters. I had a tour ... it looks great! He also oversees a number of other major facility projects on a worldwide basis for Kraft.

Please keep the news coming.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University