Musil has been promoted to senior vice president/corporate
relations at the Tribune Co. in Chicago. Ruthellyn's previous
assignments at the Tribune were as vice president/corporate
relations from 1995 to 2004 and corporate director/communications
from 1992 to 1995. Ruthellyn is also active in Arthur W. Page
Society, the National Investor Relations Institute, the Public
Relations Clinic and the Chicago Committee of the Chicago
Council on Foreign Relations. In addition, she serves on the
board of directors of Chicago Communities in Schools Inc.
Good going, Ruthellyn.
Ketchum and his family live in Fairhope, Ala., and have
chucked the corporate life for one as owner/operators of a
specialty food retail shop offering bakery, catering, deli,
lunch, wine, imported cheeses and a wide variety of specialty
foods. Jim has two sons, ages 6 and 9, and is trying to spend
more time with family. Jim says to look him up if you are
in the area. He can be reached at Andreeswct@aol.com.
C. Ross sent me a picture of he and his wife Sigrid Reusse
Ross touring Thuringia, Germany. They plan to visit again
this summer to take in the Bach anniversary celebration with
their son Robert and daughter Anne. Richard's new email address
is richardcross@attglobal.net.
Guardino advised that I gave the wrong email address for
her last time. See below for correct address. Denise says
that the ONLY PURE EMP-11 child, Lauren Guardino Baker, graduated
from eighth grade on June 2. Lauren pleased her folks by passing
a very difficult entrance exam into one of the best private
high schools in Illinois. Denise gives most of the credit
to Lauren's father's genes. Denise's correct email address
is denise.guardino@billjacobs.com.
Some of our EMP-11 classmates are considering a 20-year class
reunion. Are any/all of you up to it? Seems like much of the
talk about this is coming from a bunch in Minnesota. Those
of you who live closer should be even more willing to get
together. What say ye? Let me know. |