learned we have some newly published authors in our ranks.
Paul Nunes has just written his first book, Mass
Affluence: Seven New Rules of Marketing to Today's Consumer
(HBS Press). The book has already received an unsolicited
plug from Phil Kotler. Congratulations, Paul! (Paul is too
modest to have told me this himself. Thanks for passing on
the news, Steve Schultz.) The book is due out in bookstores
in September, and is already listed on Amazon.
Brett Jarvis has also published a book, titled Sleep Your
Way to the Top: The Power of Napping. It offers a fun
approach to rejuvenating your career --- and your day. You
can purchase it at www.sleeptothetop.com. Brett has
had other great news this year. He and wife Lydia welcomed
their third child, Elise Claire, on March 3. Big brother Zach
and sister Haylie love holding her and announcing when she's
awake and when she needs to eat, etc. The past few months
have been wonderful for the Jarvis family --- and tiring!
(White) Ramamurthi and husband Shiv are also proud parents.
They welcomed baby boy Varun on April 10 and are going through
sleepless nights and fun with their newborn!
Bill Falconer has decided to pursue his lifelong entrepreneurial
ambitions. He and a partner recently created the Atlanta-based
MidTown Consulting Group (www.midtowncg.com), which
focuses on management and technology advising for mid-sized
and large corporations. If you know of a consulting opportunity
that his team might explore, don't hesitate to let Bill know.
You can reach him at bfalconer@midtowncg.com.
Dellva recently left Searle/Pharmacia/Pfizer after 19
years and started his own biotechnology manufacturing services
company, BioTechLogic Inc.
Bernstein and wife Pam now have two kids (Mara, 3, and
Jack, 1) and have finally opted to do the suburban thing,
moving to Deerfield, Ill., in September 2003. Paul left Procter
& Gamble after 16 years and isn't sure what the bigger
change was --- leaving P&G or leaving the downtown lifestyle.
He's been doing strategic consulting with some former P&G
colleagues, and is now looking to move back into consumer
Both Jeff Walsh and wife Connie (Gute) Walsh '94 have
recently changed jobs. Jeff has taken a position with Boston-based
Inotek Pharmaceuticals, where he will be responsible for building
the commercial side of the business, including business development,
product development strategy and corporate marketing and communications.
The company has eight products in clinical development for
a variety of important critical-care diseases and is just
now beginning to ramp up the commercial strategy. Jeff says
it's a classic case (and worthy of a case study) of an exciting
science-based company historically surviving on NIH grants
now trying to make the transition to a full-fledged pharmaceutical
company with outside VC money to fund the future. Connie now
works for Staples in a new marketing role for their Staples-branded
products business and is really enjoying it. Jeff, Connie,
and their two daughters (Katie, 5, and Abigail, 2 1/2) moved
from Winchester, Mass., to Wellesley, Mass., in May of 2003.
They love their new town and the neighborhood is great: lots
of kids!
Wilsted, father of four (Jordan, Riley, Justin and Kate
--- a relatively new addition to the family), lives in Boulder,
Colo. Brad is still a partner in the strategy consulting firm
he started, but is transitioning the firm from consulting
to private equity, targeting investments in the financial
services and payments industries.
Darquier wins the award for best new job. After four years
at Disneyland Resort Paris as European marketing director,
Christian left the world of the mouse and took a year off
to go explore the world of scuba diving in Australia, Philippines,
the Red Sea and Indonesia. He enjoyed it so much he decided
pursue a job in the industry. He is now international marketing
director for Scubapro-Uwatec, one of the key players in scuba
diving equipment. He moved to the south of France (Nice),
where the global headquarters of the company is located. Not
a week goes by, writes Christian, that he doesn't need to
test a product. (Tough life!)
Christian is still in touch with other Kelloggians, such as
Bruno Bolzan, who lives in Paris and is still a headhunter
with Russell Reynolds Associates. Christian is also expecting
visits from Paul Lalvani (from India) and Marcelo
Leite (from Brazil) this summer.
Rispoli, wife Lisa, son Corey, 5, daughter Caroline, 2,
and dog Frisco are once again relocating to the San Francisco
Bay area from New York, where they have been for the past
two years. Having spent seven years in San Francisco, writes
Dominic, "It is in our blood and we are thrilled to be returning."
He will continue to work at Lehman Brothers, where he is approaching
the 11-year mark. Corey will start kindergarten in September
in the family's new hometown of Kentfield and Caroline will
start preschool. Dominic and Lisa look forward to reconnecting
with all of the Kellogg alums in the Bay Area.
Luc and Lorraine (Steele) Paillard have been living
in sunny England for 10 years! Their three children were all
born there --- Adele, 8, Max, 6, and Aline, 2. Writes Lorraine,
"There are a lot of nice things about living here, but Luc
would probably say it is the proximity to France that is the
nicest thing!" Luc recently moved to Barclays after five years
at Morgan Stanley. Lorraine spends 2/3 of her time at home
and about 1/3 of her time working in London as a free-lance
Adeson and husband Kevin have also been in England (London)
almost 10 years, with no sign of moving back any time soon.
(I'm wondering if you've run into Luc and Lorraine, Linda?
I know it's a big country ... ) Kevin is with Morgan Stanley
and Linda has been putting her degree to good use in the not-for-profit
world after forays into teaching organizational behavior and
international marketing to college students (Ithaca College
and the Institute for European Studies), free-lance consulting
and the Internet world. They have three kids: Graham, 9, Grace,
6, and Henry, 4. Linda spent some time as the VP of the London
alum club for a while, and happened to get in contact with
our '93 English contingent: Sean Capstick, Warwick
Nash, Peter Harrison and Mark Squires '92. It turns
out that Sean Capstick's kids go to the same school as Linda's
Mayer and husband Dan Druker have two beautiful children,
2-year-old twins Madeleine and Jackson. Alix is in mid-career
retirement, living in Palo Alto, Calif., but looking forward
to doing more market strategy consulting in the near future.
(A bit of trivia from the editor: Dan lived across the hall
from me, Heather, during our sophomore year at Stanford. Small
Friedlieb is currently a senior consultant in the higher-education
practice of Cedar Inc., a British-owned IT and management
consulting firm. In addition to PeopleSoft ERP implementations
at universities across the country, she has been a regular
presenter at the Midwest Regional User Group conferences,
Higher Education User Group conferences and the North American
PeopleSoft Connect conference. She is still living in Chicago,
single and enjoying every opportunity she has to sail on Lake
Now that her kids are 7 and 5, Terry Tanguay Steele
has finally found some time to pursue her dream of being a
photojournalist. She is working as a free-lance photographer
for a monthly newspaper and for an antidrug/antiviolence activist,
who has asked her to help him chronicle his work in pictures.
Terry finds her assignments very exciting and meaningful.
She writes, "It's great fun to be right in the middle of the
Luxhoj has been married to husband Erik for seven years
and they have two kids: Anna, 4, and Matthew, 1. Diane has
worked at Kimberly-Clark in Wisconsin since graduation, but
moved from full-time marketing to part-time marketing research
after her daughter was born. She visited Jo (Thoroughgood)
Khasnavis and her family when Diane was in New Jersey on business
in the spring. They had a great visit and Diane (finally!)
got to meet Jo's kids, Anita, 6, and Sam, 5.
Ponce has been living in Madrid for nine years now with
her husband Juan Martinez Aguilar. They have two children,
Diego, 5, and Sofia, 4, who remind their parents not to take
life so seriously. They visit Leticia's family in Mexico every
summer, and are really looking forward to this year's trip.
Explains Leticia, "The 12-hour plane trips get better the
older your children get."
For the last seven years, Leticia has been the master franchise
of KA International, the No. 1 European franchise for decorating.
She has a great team in Mexico City, who provide services
to the five franchises in Mexico. Unfortunately, Leticia is
too far away to take the company to its next stage. She has
recently decided she'd like to work at something in Madrid,
so she has decided to sell her small business. Let her know
if you're interested!
Earlier this year, Jonathan Bellman married Pamela
Mund in Manhattan. Several classmates attended the wedding,
including Ken Roberts, Michael Moorman, Jay
Petersen, John Sheputis and Glenn Habib.
Jonathan is in management consulting at Reality Check, a company
he founded that manages large technology projects. Jonathan's
wife Pamela is an internist at Montefiore Medical Center and
is also an instructor in internal medicine at the Albert Einstein
College of Medicine.
(Weinig) Owen was also recently married (and is thrilled
to have at least one name that is easily pronounceable). Her
husband is a British geophysicist, so she is now tied to the
oil business --- and Houston. But they take annual trips to
London, which works for her! She is still doing product marketing
in high tech in the systems management market. She keeps in
touch with Judy Holme-Agnew, who lives in San Francisco
and was one of the maids of honor in Marike's wedding. Judy's
little girl Natalie was a flower girl. Marike has two horses,
one of which she competes with, while the other is retired.
She also has two dogs and four cats.
In November 1998, Donnie Tantoco was part of a management
team (general manager) that established Shopwise, the Philippines'
first chain of super centers. Their partners include two private
equity groups: ICCP, which is headed by William Valtos '88,
and the Asian Opportunity Fund of AIG. Donnie's wife is also
involved in Shopwise as the head of buying and merchandising.
They have three kids: twin daughters Nicole and Camille, 14,
and son Christian, 9. Donnie is also happy to report that
his country's new secretary of trade and industry, Cesar Purisima
'83 is a Kellogg grad. According to Donnie, Cesar has hit
the ground running and is working very hard to professionalize
and modernize the economy.
February, Paul Rowady launched his own company, Precision
Investment Technologies
LLC. Precision is developing a next-generation research platform
for financial securities analysis based on knowledge management
and data visualization methods. That platform is called Alphacution.
Precision is currently in early stages of funding and development.
Prior to Precision, Paul was managing director of knowledge
management for Ritchie Capital Management, a more than $1.2
billion hedge fund group based in Geneva, Ill.
Rowady recently launched Precision Investment Technologies
LLC. |
Gershon with son Zachary |
Owens, with wife Barb and son Max, has been selected for
the 2004 Tour of Hope Team and will ride across the country
with Lance Armstrong in October. |
and Felix Rubel, with Michelle, welcome Chantal to the
family |
December, Jim St. Leger and his wife Audrey welcomed
their second child, daughter Lauren, to the sunny world of
Phoenix, Ariz. Four-year-old son Schuyler (pronounced "Skyler"
but spelled the original Dutch way) is really excited to have
a sister. Jim writes, "If only we could channel his unbounded
energy into changing diapers and midnight feedings ..." Audrey
and Jim are both still working at Intel. She's managing some
next-generation silicon programs, while he is busy with some
partner/ecosystem strategic engagements, both in the Intel
communications group. The challenge of two demanding (but
rewarding) careers, two kids, and the usual very busy household
is "borderline overwhelming." They're still searching for
the holy grail of work/life balance. Jim asks that you send
your nanny/au pair leads his way! And if you're feeling cold
or sun-deprived, he welcomes your visit. Once in a while,
Jim runs into Justin Smith, who also works at Intel (but in
Silicon Valley), where he is director of M&A integration.
Justin and his wife Wendy have two boys, ages 8 and 4.
Two years ago, Robert Gershon left consulting (after
14 years) and joined the marketing department of U.S. Surgical,
a medical device company in Norwalk, Conn. While he does miss
consulting (had to leave it for better work-life balance),
Robert says he has never been happier in his career. He is
a senior director of marketing with worldwide P&L responsibilities
north of $400 million. On a personal note, Tina and Robert
have expanded their family. Their second son, Zachary, was
born on Oct. 14. Mom did great and big brother Aaron, 5, couldn't
be more proud!
Except for a year in London, Barbara (Pereira) and
Felix Rubel have lived in and around Zurich, Switzerland,
since graduation. Barbara is in her 20th year with General
Motors and is currently working part-time as the manager of
brand strategy for GM Daewoo Europe. Felix, together with
two partners, has started his own private equity firm, focusing
on acquiring distressed, mid-sized companies in German-speaking
Europe. But more importantly, they have two lively girls,
Michelle, 3, and Chantal, 1, who keep them busy, as all of
you parents can imagine.
Tran is on the steering committee for a new nonprofit,
Women's Prerogative. The organization is dedicated to bringing
women information about the things that matter most to them,
giving them a place to talk about those things and --- most
importantly --- providing women with a way to do something
about them. Women's Prerogative is getting started and has
just launched a mini-Web site (www.womensprerogative.com).
Cahn encourages us all to check out the site and take the
survey on how to make it better. Writes Cahn: "My friend Sharon
Levin is incredible and she can move mountains. You can help.
Go to the site, take the survey, and sign up to receive the
email newsletter."
Johnson-Allen and Dr. Evan Allen say hello from sunny
Orlando, Fla. Evan is currently working as the medical director
of stroke at Florida Hospital, which is the largest health-care
system in Florida. As for Denise, she is taking an extended
absence from the Walt Disney Co. and is raising their two
daughters, Grace Hanalei, 3, and Olivia Marin, 1. If any of
you find yourselves in the "vacation capital of the US," Denise
asks that you give them a call.
On an inspirational note, Jim Owens has been selected
for the 2004 Tour of Hope Team and will ride across the country
with Lance Armstrong in October. The Bristol-Myers Squibb
Tour of Hope is "an inspiring weeklong journey across America
to speed the search for a cure for cancer." As some of you
know, Jim is a six-year survivor of brain cancer and is very
involved in cancer advocacy and fund-raising efforts. You
can learn more about Jim's story at www.jimsjourney.com.
Jim and his wife Barb live in Edina, Minn., and have a 4-year-old
son, Max. Good luck with the ride, Jim!
Well, thank you all for the terrific news. I was glad to hear
from so many of you. Have a fabulous summer ... and I look
forward to getting more updates later this year. |