E. Fletcher '48 writes from Burr Ridge, Ill., where he
has maintained his law office. Following his presidency of
the Field Enterprises Educational Corp. (that is, the World
Book), he satisfied a long-held ambition to become a lawyer.
He has now worked at his new career for 10 years. He and his
wife Peggy have five children, 12 grandchildren and one great-grandchild,
and enjoy traveling around the country to see them all!
T. French '48 writes from Port Orchard, near Tacoma, Wash.
He headed his own company producing millwork and cabinets
for years. Following that, he was a manufacturer's representative.
He and wife Betty, now married 53 years, have three children
and 11 grandchildren. They like California, British Columbia
and the entire West, and frequently participate in Elderhostels.
John says he subscribes to the "three gs" --- golf, gardening
and grandchildren.
D. Plotkin '48 of Chicago was in the administration of
Sears, Roebuck for many years, and then worked as a marketing
consultant. He and his wife Diane enjoy their travels around
the country.
R. Romper '48 of Highland Park, Ill., owned a gift shop
on Wabash Avenue in Chicago's Loop with his brother for many
years. He and his wife Ruth have always enjoyed their travels
in Europe and in this country.
Van Singel Jr. '48 and his wife Odette live in Burr Ridge,
Ill. Edward has retired from Continental Bank in Chicago.
He still maintains his interest and direction in the family
business, Phoenix Closures Inc., which makes bottle-capping