Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Summer 2003Kellogg School of Management
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South Florida alumni
South Florida alumni gather for a visit from Dean Dipak C. Jain. From left, Arturo Hernandez, Jose Prado í95, Dean Jain, Catherine Meng '98, Willy Kotas í86, Prof. Rajinder Gupta, David Contreras í98 and his wife Margarita.


Greetings from Little Havana! Upcoming events for the South Florida club include a group excursion to Pro Player Stadium to watch the Cubs play the Florida Marlins. We have also begun to unite with other Northwestern, as well as University of Chicago, alumni for a neuron-stimulating monthly dinner (generally $20 or less). As we try to vary locations and cuisines, please feel free to send your ideas on restaurants.

Prof. Philip Kotler and south Florida club alums  
Prof. Philip Kotler autographs a book during a visit to south Florida. Also shown are Alicia Blain '86 and Sergio Goloubeff '95.  

We hosted three speakers during the first half of 2003: Kellogg Professor Philip Kotler and Dean Dipak Jain, as well as Clarke Caywood, of Medill's Integrated Marketing Communications program. No major academic events are planned for the summer. If you have an idea for the fall, please contact us.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University