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You are probably getting used to news about upgrading PCs, gadgets, and software. But how about upgrading yourself? "In the years after you leave school, you need to upgrade the version of yourself," said Professor Mohanbir Sawhney at a gathering of the Kellogg Alumni Club of Japan (KACJ). The professor talked to alums during his February visit to Japan. Before the welcome reception at Tokyo's Globis Management School, he took time for a Q&A session with the Japanese alumni. His topics ranged from an update on Kellogg's e-business programs, to his recent research and the prospects of the high-tech market. Of great interest to the audience was Professor Sawhney's coming initiative to design a lifelong learning program for graduates of Kellogg. To keep our edge in this changing environment, his programs would utilize the enabling technology of distance learning. About 20 alumni, including Haruo Naito, chairman of KACJ/Class of '74, welcomed Mohan sensei ("professor") and enjoyed sharing their updates. Attendees were recent graduates whose memory of the professorıs dynamic class is still fresh, as well as veteran grads who got to know him for the first time. The main purpose of Sawhneyıs visit was to hold a lecture at the American Management Association. The topic of his Feb. 16 lecture was "Reinventing the Market for the network economy." Included in his discussion were a conceptual framework of competition in a networked economy and concepts of metamediaries and metamarkets. Besides meetings with business partners, he took a tour and met senior executives of hot tech businesses, such as Rakuten (the No. 1 e-shopping mall),, and Net Age. He was accompanied by Toshimitsu Kaji '97.

KACJ consists of about 500 members and holds various Kellogg-related activities in Japan such as welcome receptions, annual meetings, and KID (Kellogg Interview Day) for candidates. On April 21, KACJ held DAKJ (Day At Kellogg in Japan), a party for incoming students. About 40 attendees had a great time." KACJ welcomes all interested Kellogg alumni.

©2001 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University