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The Kellogg Alumni Club Brazil started its activities this year right after Carnival with a reception for the GIM Brazil at one of São Paulo's trendy spots. It was a great evening where alumni caught up on recent news from Kellogg as well as gave their perspective on the various GIM projects, all of that happening under the influence of some caipirinhas.

Some of our colleagues who changed jobs this year: Thomaz Yazima '98 is now a "big boss" as the CEO of TransBurtiNetwork, a technology and service company linking media companies, advertising agencies, their clients and suppliers into a private backbone. To obtain extra cash for your business, contact Luiz Cruz '99, as he is now at Eccelera, a venture capital fund providing financial and intellectual capital for technology and Internet companies. Alexandre Correa '98 is forming a conglomerate of new businesses, all of which are still in its "confidential" phase. Marco Mombelli '99 moved to Brazil in the beginning of the year and joined Bain. He is now a fluent Portuguese speaker and is enjoying Brazil so much that he is considering an application for Brazilian citizenship. Our Alumni Club co-chair Rod Vieira '99 also moved back to Brazil as head of, after spending some time in the airplane between Miami and Buenos Aires.

Some new babies from our fertile alums: Norton '99 and Miriam Lara are the proud parents of Sofia, born March 22 and doing great. Tommaso '99 and Isabella Leonetti had their second baby, Ana Carolina, on April 17. She is getting along very well with her brother Raffaele. Luis '97 and Mariana Giolo '97 also had their second son, Gustavo, born May 18 in great shape.

The Kellogg Alumni Club enjoyed a happy hour on May 31 with the 15 admitted Brazilian students so they could ask all those questions and get tips from the alums. We continuously promote social events as well as an annual Kellogg presentation to prospective students to strengthen the Kellogg brand in Brazil and help integrate our Kellogg community.

©2001 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University