Meg McDonald
is now director of finance and administration for the office
of the vice president for research at Northwestern University.
Meg writes: "David and I are doing well. We spent almost
a month in Australia over Christmas and New Year's."
I hope you treated them to your own version of Auld Lang Syne!
Janice Jacobs
is the vice president of human resources for the Chicago Tribune.
After knocking the cover off the ball in her role with the
Cubs, she moved up to the "big leagues." She is
responsible for all human resource functions at Tribune. She
and her husband, Alan, split time between Chicago and Long
Beach, Ind.
Karl Johnson
is CEO of Redem Technologies in Chicago. Karl is leveraging
all that automotive knowledge he developed at CIBC, plus that
cool test track experience he had!
Victoria Shire
is senior vice president of corporate communication at R.R.
Donnelley. Previously Vicky was a managing director at Burson-Marsteller.
She's living in the city and loving the access she has to
all those Harry Potter books.
Scott Heller
is now director of operations at Econometrics, Inc. Econometrics,
Inc. is a consumer marketing research company with one of
the largest fully integrated national consumer databases in
the United States. So Scott probably knows a lot more about
all of you than I do!
Our Fr. Joseph
C. Geders has been named director of the Department of
Evangelization and Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Chicago.
Joe will oversee the Office of Evangelization and the Office
of Catechesis. In addition, he will be administrative head
for several archdiocesan agencies, including Family Ministries,
Missions Office, Peace and Justice, Ecumenical Affairs, Parish
Pastoral Council, Prison Ministry, Young Adult Ministry and
the Office for Divine Worship. Joe, the Office of Divine Worship
should get a hold of the folks at divine/Whittman-Hart and
work out some kind of sponsorship deal! I bet they would love
some divine worship at this point. Congrats, Joe!